Welcome New Members!


Active Member
hello everyone!
I've been keeping track of my husbands grow journal on here for a while and using his account to read a bunch of stuff on here (very educational stuff!) and I figured it's about time I started my own account to interact as it's all so very exciting!.
When we started growing weed i was kinda reluctantly going along with it as it was better than keep paying for weed, he had to talk me into converting the spare shower.. and I'd roll my eyes every time a new light was purchased or seeds were bought behind my back.. lol.. but now I'm very interested in the whole process and cant wait to harvest. My weed demon from my teens is coming back! I can feel it! :D

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
hello everyone!
I've been keeping track of my husbands grow journal on here for a while and using his account to read a bunch of stuff on here (very educational stuff!) and I figured it's about time I started my own account to interact as it's all so very exciting!.
When we started growing weed i was kinda reluctantly going along with it as it was better than keep paying for weed, he had to talk me into converting the spare shower.. and I'd roll my eyes every time a new light was purchased or seeds were bought behind my back.. lol.. but now I'm very interested in the whole process and cant wait to harvest. My weed demon from my teens is coming back! I can feel it! :D
hell yea. i hope tht u out grow ur husband. u guys should have a competition or something.


Active Member
hell yea. i hope tht u out grow ur husband. u guys should have a competition or something.
Lol yeah competition would be good, i'd definately win, but lack of space means we gotta share.
We've decided that i'm the project manager and he's the labourer. I'll keep track of when things should be done and who's who when the cloning starts and he's gonna do the dirty work, ie. repotting and feeding etc. Teamwork baby!


Well-Known Member
Hey hey all fellow green thumbs. I am a new member. I live in South Africa - Durban poison ring an bells?? Lol. Anyways, just starting a 2nd grow... busy germinating. Will be sure to post on probs etc as well as good progress. Peace

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
Hey hey all fellow green thumbs. I am a new member. I live in South Africa - Durban poison ring an bells?? Lol. Anyways, just starting a 2nd grow... busy germinating. Will be sure to post on probs etc as well as good progress. Peace
hell yea thts some good shit:hump: im gonna watch it all tha way till the end.:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
I think I am doing this right. I am here to learn how to grow pot.

I recently got my card and started 6 plants outdoor. I lost two already to overwatering and I am trying to get the others to get back to normal. How much water is too much? I was using hose and watering the garden (I have other fruits and veggies too) in the mornings. I move the clones inside every night. I am getting a lot of brown leaves and really no visible growth. Anyone wanna give me some advice? thanx.


New Member
Just wanted to say High to everyone, I just signed up tonight.

This is a great place to learn. I'm tired of current quality of purchase and am thinking about experimenting with a little growing of my own.


Active Member
sorry to bother but have question about cloning. my clone is growing deformed leaves that r round instead of serrated edges. what does that mean?


Active Member
is a soilless mix a form of hydroponics? im considering fox farm soilless mix for my next grow but unsure whether its for containers or hydro setups and whether to use hydro nutes or water soluble nutes. also, has anyone ever heard of the "hydro spikes" that sort of act like a wick system?


Active Member
Hey peeps. Just signed up and wanted to introduce myself. I have already gotten a ton of great and usefull info from you all and thought that i would join in. I have just harvested my first plant and man was she a beauty. I am putting some pics of Charlote up so check them out. My next attempt will be some of the legendary white widow.


Active Member
were new to growing we are a trio and would like basic answers to questions
we have bought a 400w sodium light and as there is 3 of us we were going to do 6 plants 2 each can anyone tell us if this is sufficient light
also we are quite novice 1 of us has grown before but only single plants at a time so we would also like to know if we should pinch the middles out or just let it groiw also shade leaves should we remove them??we also dont have a weed growing shop close i have purchased fertilizer that is 25-10-10 is this good for both stages finally how big should we grow and how long in the flowering stage


Active Member
grew some grass, and after curing process, my buds dont smell like weed! my nugs r well frosted with clear thc trichomes and it smokes real good! nice pleasant high, but for some reason the nuggets dont smell like weed. I cant really describe the smell, but it doesnt stink. almost like a fresh piney smell but kinda good. ANY IDEA WHAT IT COULD BE?

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
grew some grass, and after curing process, my buds dont smell like weed! my nugs r well frosted with clear thc trichomes and it smokes real good! nice pleasant high, but for some reason the nuggets dont smell like weed. I cant really describe the smell, but it doesnt stink. almost like a fresh piney smell but kinda good. ANY IDEA WHAT IT COULD BE?
u need to let ur buds dry longer. it smells sweet and is really good but u have to let it dry longer by hangin it upside down for at least 6-10 days


Active Member
were new to growing we are a trio and would like basic answers to questions
we have bought a 400w sodium light and as there is 3 of us we were going to do 6 plants 2 each can anyone tell us if this is sufficient light
also we are quite novice 1 of us has grown before but only single plants at a time so we would also like to know if we should pinch the middles out or just let it groiw also shade leaves should we remove them??we also dont have a weed growing shop close i have purchased fertilizer that is 25-10-10 is this good for both stages finally how big should we grow and how long in the flowering stage

novice myself but been doing a hell of a lot of reading on this! 400w high pressure sodium is fine for 6 plants, as long as they're not too far apart (i'd say all 6 plants within 4 square metres) . just make sure you have a hood that reflects the light back down, also something to reflect the light off the walls nearby - mylar works good. this thread is really good, and explains lighting quite clearly:


not sure about the pinching or shade leaves - sorry dude! your fertiliser is ok for the veg stage, but needs to be high in phosphorous and potassium for the flowering stage. something like 5-15-15. this guide is pretty good:


you can grow them however big you like, i'd say about 8 weeks. and then 6-8 weeks in flowering depending on the seed.

hope that helps!


Active Member
Hello from Costa Rica fellow growers and smokers. Nice site. Hope I can learn a lot in here. Cheers!!
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