You won't be getting any seeds unless it's a hermaphrodite or unless you have both a female and male in the same room. What happens is, the male pollen sack releases pollen which the female pistils (white hairs) catch the pollen then goes down the pistil (white hair) into the ovule and the female produces seeds.
It's argued that equatorial and high altitude MJ plants have higher have a higher THC content than plants at a higher or lower lattidude or lower altitude.
This is because more UV-B rays are readily available at higher altitudes and at an equatorial lattiude.
This being said, I don't think that your plant would be getting enough UV-B light to produce the quality bud you're looking for nor the quality yield your looking for. So no it is not advisable. But if it is indeed all you can do then all the luck to ya friend.
If you're going to do the whole FL thing I would suggest this:
The following is a link to a diagram displaying the wavelengths emitted by a few fluorescent light species. Remember that UV-B light is from 320 - 290nm in length. Try to chose a species that will more closely replicate this.
Image:Fluorescent lighting spectrum peaks labelled.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another suggestion if using fluorescent lights, in order to use up as much of the light intensity as possible keep the light close to the canopy. Fluorescent bulbs aren't as intense as HIDs and therefore can be kept closer to the canopy.
When beginning a reply I usually make sure I know how many times I plan on quoting and open and close as many as I need before I start typing my replies. SO in this case I did it 3 times before even starting to type. It's about structure baby!