Hi! I am a few days in to the site and LOVE IT! It seems like such a great community to share ideas and get very useful tips on growing. I am a newbie to this site and am a first time parent to a beautiful and growing girl and and boy Indica. I have been smoking for 15 years, first out of curiosity, and then to discover it is a great treatment to ease my chronic anxiety. I have opened up to my doctors about my usage and they have praised me for finding a natural, balanced, and informed way of improving my way of life.
Like many people who are apart of this community, I am angered by the stigma of pot smokers along with out-dated legislation. I am a full marijuana lover, and big advocate at that.
Most importantly, I am such a proud Mama. My plants have come such a long way. I took the advice of an unknown human being who said that your first time growing should be 100% natural. It has been hard, with three plants perishing but with the uttermost joy of witnessing two standing tall, budding, and creating seeds for more experimentation in the future. In the process I have learned so much!
I look forward to learning more from all of you and sharing in the process.