I'm not married and yet I hear the same. I just tell her I'm really a prick! No, I'm actually a really kind person unless you get me going. I made the name as it's a running joke with some people I've worked with out of state. You're very welcome, happy to have you here along with the rest of us! It takes a bit getting used too but once you work out the kinks and get familiar with how things work here it's a breeze. My advice would be to use the search option. if you can not find what your looking for then just ask. I'm sure people will understand you're new and not tell you to just look for it. Lots of happy, helpful folks around. With the wealth of knowledge I'm surprised no one charges for their advice or info. If there is anything I can help you with let me know. If I can help you I will, if not I'll try and get you there. Shit it could be a learning experience for both of us. When I first got here I had no clue and didnt want to just jump in but I did and I've talked to some really great people. Ive also made a few internet friends that have been very supportive and helpful. I think you're really going to like the community.