Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
Aloha all, from the Big Island of Hawaii. I'm glad to see there is a site for growers and smokers to share valuable information. I'm new here and would love it if you told me what you thought about my girls.


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, im fairly new to growing -(got sick of paying for sandy or tampered weed) and have started a small flood/drain setup for the best result grows, can anyone tell me how often i should flood the tray & how long for(should this increase as plant grows/matures),and the specific ppm levels for each and all growth stages?
just rooted - weeks 1-2
veg weeks 3-5
transition weeks 6 -7
flower week 1
flower weeks 2 - 4
weeks 5-8
final push weeks 9 - poss 10 (or described in simular way)
then obviously flushing is required-should i reduce nutes gradually, or stop em all together in 1 go? and should i use a flushing agent?
obviously im out to spend as little as poss-same old story im afraid.
ive had a look around but can only find staggered answers to my questions, and often contradictory at that.
many thanks all, appologies for any poor spelling lol!
I like to reduce gradually, but you can just stop them all together too. No need for a flushing agent just Ph adjusted water works fine. PPM levels will vary depending on strain, lighting, other environmental factors, and the type of nutrients used. How often you flood the table depends on plant height and the type of medium used. For example a large plant growing in rockwool floc could probably be flooded 2-3 times during lights on. The same plant growing in Hydroton could be flooded every 5-10 min during lights on.

Check out Al B's thread for a lot of great info on Flood systems. Feel free to check out my Hydro Q & A as well. The link is in my sig line :peace:

Welcome to RIU everybody!

Maligs808, do you surf?


Well-Known Member
I recieved a mj plant from a friend, I transplanted it in a field next to the house for security reasons. This is my first plant, I need to know how much water and fertalizer to give it! First I planted it in good soil from my garden, then I've been giving it 1 Gallon of water/day and 1x a week I've been giving it multipurpose mericle grow. It seems to be doing ok! What do you think?
Man I think that's too much water. Try waiting till the soil is almost dry before watering again. And only fertilize it once every 2 or three waterings at half the recommended strength. Things I recommend are Superthrive and Alaskan Fish Emulsion 5-1-1. You should be able to find those at hardware or garden supply shops. Then use something like Super Bloom 15-30-15 for the flowering stage. My plants seem to be enjoying this process.


Well-Known Member
what dose EC mean in hydro kit please help my babys look not well with purple stripes what do i do
EC stands for Electrical Conductivity. Your meter measures dissolved salts (nutrients) in you nutrient solution. Use your EC meter to adjust nutrient strength at various stages of plant growth. Can't really offer much more without more info on your set up, plants, ect. Feel free to check out my hydro Q & A in my sig line as well. :peace:

Welcome to RIU:leaf::peace:


Active Member
Hi All, just wanted to introduce myself,as i have just joined, I have for many years grew Grass in a small cupboard, basic stuff with some not to bad results mostly Afghani, however have know set up my own grow tent with all the gear, and i am growing Trainwreck from seed,(Green house seed company), plants at 6wks and about 2 ft tall even though i have pinched the centre, they look great but i was wondering for how long i should veg these for,i thought about 8wks, will have picks up in day or 2,any info you's can give me would be great,feeding with canna formula,


Active Member
Hello All!

I just found your site and it looks like it's going to be a great resource. You've probably heard that Michigan recently passed a law legalizing Medical MJ. So while I'm waiting for the Dept of Community Health to begin issuing registry cards, I'm trying to learn all I can about growing.

I'm totally new to gardening and I appreciate all of the info you guys are sharing here.

Hopefully, someday I'll gain enough experience to be able to pay it forward and help out some other newbs..


count stackula

Active Member
Im new here and this is my second post and im completely new to growing. I have read a ton of threads on this forum and am still a little confused... I don't even know if this is the right thread...

Ok so... my questions are....after I germinate the seed and get ready to put it into the aerogarden... do I just put it in the brown spongy flower pod and just take out the flower seeds?
And how much of the sponge is supposed to touch the water? Mine bubbles but it doesnt really cover the entire surface of the water... is that ok?

I ordered some sensi grow nutrients and they should be here soon, I have not got the flowering nutrients yet.. Im not sure which to use..? Anyways.. Id like to try and plant one of my germinated seeds, I also have one thats in the soil right now and its only about an inch tall and was wondering if and when I could transfer it to my aerogarden and how to go about it.
Thanks in advance.. I know I asked a ton of questions Im just eager to try this out

dirty dave

Active Member
i m using dwc 5 gal buckets how deep do i put my clone & rock wool in the net and how high should the water level be in the bucket i have the water level touching the bottom of my rock wool


Active Member
hello all greetings from the uk, i have just started flowering my babys, i have got a lot of 'hairs' they have been flowering for 1 week, when will the buds start to develop??