Welcome New Members!


Active Member
what's up everyone! I've got a little indoor grow (first one) using soil and a 1000 watt hps light. The strain is OG Kush potted as clones. I've had them in the pots and under the HPS for about a week and they don't seem to be doing very well. I've seen pictures of other grows and after a week they're a lot taller and a lot greener. I'll put some pictures of my babies and hope for some good advice. Thanx to everyone in advance.


Grandma's boy

Active Member
Just joined after watching a hydroponics video on youtube.com.

The video maker recommended this website.

I have 2 plants in a 26"x18"x 7' closet. Its a tight fight.

I think I finally have the lights right and added a vent fan.

The very good news is, my buddy is opening a small gardening store a short distance from me, that is specializing in hydro equipment.:clap:

I see alot of good advice on here already.


Active Member
Just wanted to say hi to all. I would like to start growing, I'm just deciding on weather or not to grow indoor or outdoor . Just assessing many factors of both. Just being a sponge and learning all i can about cultivation.

sky high

Active Member
Hello, new member here looking forward to conversing and obtaining alooooot of usefull info. Hopefully one day i can have enough knowledge of this beautifull plant to help others as well!!!


Active Member
Hello All. Newbie here, joined about a week ago. Read alot of threads here, just to try and learn from the experience of you.
Just thought I'd say hey.


Active Member
unbelievable..... iv read this forum for 11hours strait! im totally and completely fascinated... its a hobby that pays you back!! cant wait to get going


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I have been browsing the site for a while now, and have decided to join. Great forum you have! I am not a newb to growing, but all experience/opinions about other techniques for growing should always be shared by everyone. I like to learn something new all the time.

I am a 100% Organic indoor grower (if I didn't live in an apartment I would be outdoors). I will probably be posting a grow journal later in the year when I get my new crop going, and maybe a Shroom grow journal, and a "how to" vegan pot brownie recipes! I'm looking forward to posting on this forum and learning new things and hopefully I can also be of some help. Peace, Love, & Solidarity.


Well-Known Member
Word up from Vancouver Island! I too have frantically searched through these forums for very much of the knowledge I have applied to my grows. Now I'm gonna share my experiences using BC seeds with you!


Active Member
Just thought I’d say hi!
45 years a smoker, first time grower though. Got totally sick to death of the rubbish puff available in the UK. - Least, round my way - So I threw the spare bed out (visitors can have a sleeping bag & kip on the living-room floor) and I’m now waiting for delivery of a package deal 1.2 x 1.2 x 2mtr grow tent & NFT hydro set-up.
I’m used to growing under halides & pumping water around ‘cause I keep a reef tank. It also means quite a few parts are interchangeable.
I know damn well I’ll be asking a lot of questions as I fumble through the learning curve. So please help me out & may all your buds glisten.
All the best Vesp.


Active Member
what up people im new here and new to indoor grow figured i could use all the help i can get lol ill get some pics up when i can find were to put them but just saying hi im going to do some looking around now

peace :joint:

Raw Viking

Active Member
Hi, my first post on the website/forum i feel like a virgin haha ,
i got some bluee cheese seeds from a lad i know that got a batch of it and there was a male and they fertilized etc... ,
anyway im just looking for tips on how to get started i have got 9 seeds left,
The steps i taken was, put about 4-5 seeds in a small medicine tub that had water in and placed in a dark room and one of my seeds have cracked and i have now planted the seed in a 5 inch height and 3-4 inches wide tub. ive just planted it today and im looking for some advice on looking after my plant and tips on bigger growth. i have baby bio plant feed for it but not used as of yet because it says use when actively growing. , do you have any other tips on how to get my other seeds to crack quickly and how many times do i water the plant.

come on guys help a newbie out :)


Active Member
Howdy to all.
My first experience with medicine was almost 15 years ago, when I had to watch my mothers best friend wither and die from MS. Now, my own best friend is severly screwed up from being injured while at work. I am now his LEGAL care giver under Oregon law. His father was just diagnosed with Melanoma, directly resulting from exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam. I will soon be his care giver also.

This will be my first attempt at horticulture, and cant afford to screw anything up. I placed my order and recieved some top notch beans (re: $$$), from ATTITUDESEEDBANK.COM. Placed my order on Sunday, and recieved it Saturday!!! I bought Jack Flash #5, and recieved some nice freebies, too. I'm looking forward to trying the Widow!

Anyhow, hello and much love to all.


New Member
Hey all, i'm about 6 weeks into flowering with my white widow and i just noticed the hairs starting to turn, should i stop nutes? How long do you think i have left before harvest. have a microscope on the way so i can't check tricomes yet. i am having difficulty keeping the top buds from wanting to slouch over from the weight. Any advice? i think i should have trimmed the large fan leaves before flowering but i did not know to do that. Is it too late to do some trimming of the largest leaves to allow light to reach some of the lower buds?:-? Thanks for any help



Active Member
hi everyone

got 3 cuttings of double dutch in soil in autopots with 3 400 lights, 1 over each.

i have boxed in a corner of my attic with 4in ductin suckin in and 6in fan and filter suckin out.

i am currently in the 5th week of flower and all seemed well until a few days ago when more leaves seem to be turning yellow and some accumulating brown speckles which multiply until the leaf goes really crispy and crumbles in my hand.

the bud sites still do look really healthy but i am worryed that they will go bad if i do not do something.

anyone any suggestions?