Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Just wanted to let you know that I am out here in the Interwebs. Looking at a few different things here but my main goal is to grow some bonzai trees and you seem to have some of the best gardening information. So thanks for the welcome to the forum and we will be talking soon.


Active Member
Hey everyone, what's up? I'm a new member, and unlike most of you am not familiar with growing. I've been thinking about it though, but I always lead up to more cons then pros. More pros keep appearing though, so I might be starting soon. I just need to familiarize myself with it before I try plunging into growing headfirst. Hopefully that will happen here :)


New Member
hey everyone, i just joined here yesterday because it seems like a really helpfull place! i live in BC and have never grown before, but am starting now, got some seeds currently germinating and a small plant (about 2-3 inches tall) growing hidden in my room hehe. getting them started in my room and moving them outside after a week or two.

anyways i look forward to seeing what advice i can find on this website and talking to some veteran green thumbs!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, what's up? I'm a new member, and unlike most of you am not familiar with growing. I've been thinking about it though, but I always lead up to more cons then pros. More pros keep appearing though, so I might be starting soon. I just need to familiarize myself with it before I try plunging into growing headfirst. Hopefully that will happen here :)
Hey Climb...
Once you start growing you will feel so attached to your crops that you will then understand!!! DOing your homework is a great way to start.... Do your research, find out what kinds of things you want to try.... consider costs, sizes, time, and other factors, and get your ass growing!!!
It's great...
You can get all the info you need on growing at this link. If you have other questions, start a thread, ask your questions, and enjoy the special bond you will feel with your girls!!!!
Good luck and welcome!!!

To all others, welcome to the forum!


Active Member
Happy Day to everyone:peace:
just wanted to stop and say High!

Lilliy <<the new kid :weed:
first time to grow
old timer to the love


New Member

I'm a newbee on this form.
My name is nonameseeds and i'm like to grow for my one weed.
I also grow seeds for my seed shop.

Hope to learn som more englisch so i can make a englisch site in a while..:lol:



Well-Known Member
Hey im a newbe and my friends are all in da biz. But none are growing and im clueless 2 growing. I personally is dead broke! Lets say that money was not an issue how do u get STARTED???


Active Member
I've been reading and taking ntoes all over this community and find it very helpful!
Thanks for all the help so far!


Active Member
I haven't been active on rollitup.org in absolutely bloody ages and I thought it would be appropriate that I re-introduce myself in newbie central!!kiss-ass

Sometimes life has a habit of getting in the way :hump:

Been doing alot of bongsmilie
mixed with a bit of :joint:
and you know how the old saying goes....
..Time fly's when your brain is NUMB!

Flametop Out!


Active Member
Alright, this is my first grow
Seeds are from mids (indica) I got months ago
150 w HPS light
Cabinet from home depot for $60
Lightweight fan (low and high setting only)
Miracle grow potting soil grow mix (provides nutrients; nitrogen, potash, phosphates for 3 months)
2 plants in one pot
Couple o questions:
1. will growing two to one pot stunt my plant growth and yield?
2. is miracle grow bad to grow with
3. i will keep posting as they grow



Active Member
whatsup yall im Mixedwell.. im VERY new to growing, meaning ive only done it once, and it was a major fail. maybe it was the seeds? maybe it was me? i dunno.. it never even sprouted. ive always wanted to join a community for growers but i was too chicken shit to try it, but here i am. since the economy sucks, i wont be picking up as much as i want or be cooking my favorites anymore so i thought i'd try my hand at growing this beautiful stuff. ive read lots of books about growing, my favorite being Greg Green's Cannabis Growers Bible, but i havent done any successful planting. hopefully yall can help me get a small plant started so i can continue doing what i love to do.. you know, the same things you guys love to do too! thanks for reading and i hope to 'grow' to be a better greens enthusiast soon



Active Member
quick question... growing on a 4x8 using 2 1000w in rockwool using a drip system growing AK and sweetooth I was going to try SOG on one tray but only put 8 on the tray at a time staggering the next, 2 week apart so as to have small harvest will this screw my pH ppm up have so many plants at different stages of growth


Active Member
Hiya; I am certainly a Newbie and I have a few questions...if you could help me out, well thank you. Questions: 1. where can I find a list of "sympathetic doctors" in my area of Salem, OR? 2. Is there a community in my area that need to be supplied with product (3 patients under the OMMP regulations)? and where is a good source for plants and interior growing equipment? Thank you for your time...I feel a little overwhelmed with all this. Helios66