Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Wud up guys and gals. Here in Swampy Humid South Florida. Just started my first grow and just harvested. Came out like shit cause it didn't yield anything that was really worth it. I will try again and this time I'm going to use this forum as much as I should have for the first attempt. I'm still trying to figure out what happened the first time. Does anyone know if a huge Gnat infestation could have such a significant impact that it would lower my harvest yield significatly? Also wondering if maybe the strain is completely fucked since I got the clones from someone else that also hasn't been having such a great time with there plants lately. So many things to consider that went wrong and I'm really just trying to pin point it out since I'm starting up again at the begining of next week. (sorry for the horrible spelling).
:weed:Hey there funcrusher yep bugs can really fuk shit up given time they can ruin whole plots, the best why is prevention try keeping everything clean as possible ands dont leave piles of leaf or old dirt etc as they are premium places for bugs etc to hang out with you nxt one as soon as u get your new clones you should give them a good spray all over and under the leaves do this every cple of weeks using a bug spray of some sort (there's heaps of different types out there) and inspect your babys hard out looking for bugs and signs of bugs being present it is so much easier to get bugs off of small clones than it is to control a infestation on larger plants once they have had time to get established. But its all learning as you go I had bug problems in my first crop but just helps for next time


hi everyone im from the usa, and i recently started trying to grow some nugget plants. i got the seeds from my dealer back home and they are about 3.5 inches tall i water them every 2 days i used some kind of soil my mom uses for her plants,house plants, and they seem to be doing fine. im not sure the wattage of my plant light is strong enough tho? would using the sun be a better idea?
i use miracle grow for inside growing :}. So i'm betting your mom does too, you still have to be concerned with Ph level and lighting even inside. The lights should be a bluish hue for best vegging and at least 2000 lumens per sq foot i use four blue hue 23 watt 1750 lumens for four plants...they do nicely on 12/12 now after six weeks of vegging bag seed, but i have been fortunate to come up with four girls...yipee!!!! I will flower for a few weeks < four > then on to more serious nutrients and watering till the end!

good luck!:weed:


What stage of the plant are you at, how big is the marijuana plant. It is best to let it go dry and then water, not every day this will increase the root size as the roots will go searching and eventually get bigger. To make it easier you can collect rain water in a bucked. Work around your weather if it rains one day dont water if you have a dry spell go up there every couple of days and feed them.

to add a bit to this great information, make sure your not over fertilizing, use any fert. one quarter strentgh...just a friendly reminder :}:joint:


if u dont want people to hassle u abt ur name why the hell did u call urself a snitch it is the worst possible name u cld use in here right up there with dope theif ???? dont understand why u wld call urself something so hated in here?? unless ur just keen on arguing with people or want people to hassle u?? :!::?:

for sure a name i would steer clear from...but thats just me,lol:weed:


hello all just stop by and say hello been doing a lot of ready and it is easy as pie sometimes one quick question other times.


Active Member
I'm pretty new to this and recently joined this site. I'm glad I found it. This site rocks and has plenty of helpful information. Have a quick newbie question. I had about 8 baby plants growing (soil), but ended up battling a severe pest problem. Well now I have one healthy looking survivor. Was planning on cloning and switching over to a hydro farm. How long should I wait till I start harvesting clones, and how long can I use my lonely survivor as a mother plant?


i think im retarted, i went to search and typed in fast blast and nothing about the plant comes up but if i go to google and type it in it brings me to here with fast blast threads what am i doing wrong


I've only been here a very short time but everyone has been extra nice and this site is a wealth of knowledge juss for the picking!!
welcome to all fellow new comers.....esp DAYWALKER !
hey i jus found this site
and i was wondering how do u post a question
i kinda have the same question as you besides i need to learn how to grow


Well-Known Member

hey i jus found this site
and i was wondering how do u post a question
i kinda have the same question as you besides i need to learn how to grow
If your purpose is to gain knowledge, you should start a journal, or join the Advisers Group. When you start a journal, put all of the relevant information, you know, This is what I am doing to control the 7 basics in my grow environment.
1) My Temperature is______
2)I am _____________to provide CO2
3)I am ______________to provide O2, particularly to the roots
4)My relative Humidity is_________ and I am controlling it by _________.
5) The ph of my water is______ and I use_______ to correct it.
6) I use________ nutrients @________ ppm.
7) I have___________ lights.
Planning to get the 7 basics in balance will give you a 99% success rate.

Once you have your journal up, go browse through some other journals that sound like they have a space similar to yours, tell them how great their set up is, and invite them to take a look at your pictures, etc. Pick at least one that has been going for 6 months. It always makes you feel better to know they had problems too. VV


I'm bran new, and I'm thinking about growing. A friend of mine told me about a system called Bubble Ponics. I was wondering if it's something a noobie could actually get into without messing up horribly. I've grown it outside a few times pretty easy, nothing that would make the cover of Hightimes though. Any suggestions?


Can anybody help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. These plants are 2 months old and are of an unknow indoor strain. I saw some of the buds and they had some purp, and by the look of the leaves I think its an indica. Most of the the plants have solid green stems while a few are turning purple. Is that natural or is it a problem with nut's. What is the problem with my leaves. Sulfer???



hey guys hows it goin,can anyone help me also?im a first time grower and just starting out in an attic,what items do i need to have a remotly succesfull grow?:weed:

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
hey guys hows it goin,can anyone help me also?im a first time grower and just starting out in an attic,what items do i need to have a remotly succesfull grow?:weed:
Check out the grow room section. It's got everything from attics to kitchen cabinets to baby cribs--seriously--and everything in between.


Hello all , I have been growing the same two plants for 6 years, and because it is illegal to grow here in England, I and my friends never discussed cultivation and so was suprised to find such a wealth of information on the net. This is my first computer, and so have been going mad buying and trying new (to me) types of cannabis, and am amazed at all the equipment you can buy. I grow indoors in soil (and outdoors) organicially (mainly) So I am an odd mix of solid experience and wide eyed babyness. It'll take me a couple of daays to look through the threads to answer the questions I have, and if any are not answered I'll ask you (politely) So I write this to introduce myself and to wish you all well.


Over in England we have a similar thing but the thing with all these types of techniques is you have to be good at your nutrient control, as the roots are suspended in water, I would not suggest it to a newish grower because of the large amount of things that can go wrong, Why not grow indoors in soil/compost? As you have had good results outside. If you choose a good soil you will not have to bother with nutrition untill well into flowering, and growing in soil is very forgiving. Then you can get used to lamp hights, air exchange and all the stuff which seems very difficult but you will soon come to view as basic. Good luck


Active Member
hey mr ganja, just hopin for some advise pls. i'm a couple days away from my 1st harvest(mr nice g13xhash plant) 8 weeks. but they are shooting new pistils out everywhere. what does it mean n what shud i do?


Active Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.