Welcome New Members!

This is it. thank you. My younger sister needs a little special help for school and my family is flat broke. family of six i realized the only way to feed every1 for cheap was to grow mass and good and sell cheap. I am exp. with both indo & out but if i throw a dank seed in some soil and grow it indo with a bubblesystem are we talkin good $ Its white widow seeds


Active Member
:leaf:Hello, Just like to learn as much as I possibly can about growing always looking for input and tips and new perspectives, not currently growing but have future plans to once I get a place with some space. I'm a patient and would like to produce my own meds. to save money until it(MJ) is made legit. and we all can toke freely. .:leaf:


hello new to the site thanks for the place to be and i hope to be getting to kno some of you as i journey through all these fourms in search of a better understanding of this great plant good smoking to all bongsmilie


Just stopping by to say hi to all my stoner brothers and sisters out there. Just joined the site and already I'm in love with it. Keep up the good work guys!!!


Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum as well as growing, I am in the process of building a closet bubbleponics system, and am waiting on my seeds to come. I hope to learn alot and meet some good people. TTYL!


ok im new on here and i figured this would be a good place to learn to grow. last years plants were good but i want better!!!


New to growing I am a legal patient and just became a caregiver. I have a plant out of six that is getting early orange hairs then I believe two male sacs grew I pulled off before they opened. Is this turning hermaphrodite? should I remove it so the rest don't get ruined I need help please.
I am not new to growing, but I am new to this forum. Hi all! :hug: I haven't figured out how to link back to my journal in my signature, but here it is if ya wanna have a look: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/289924-yellowjuana-cakes-garden-2.html

That will take you right to page 2 where things start picking up, even though I'm not very far along. Still about 2 weeks from enjoying my first indoor harvest out of this closet. :joint:

I look forward to positive feedback in my journal, if anyone cares to share their thoughts. :mrgreen:


What up people, Im DaKilla420, from Chicago currently residing in St Paul, Mn and I am Addicted to Marijuana, but we all got addictions thats why were here, WAIT you mean this isnt a rehab website
WELL in that case im here because i like the fact that theres a site for people all around the world just like me,
LEGALIZE IT!!! Because Cannabis is the best "drug" in the world
so posted a vid of my grow for my first mother plut i havent had any luck on gettting some tips from any of you experienced growers like i thought maybe its the wy i posted my journal i dont know but i look foward to any advice:?
hey ppl, big luv from the the uk. New to growing, will be starting some lowryder 2s next week, will try and do a picture dary of the grow. Need help choosing soil though so f you think your the soil master then plz go to my thread and help +rep

Crypt Keeper

Not so new to tokin, but brand new to growin bud as well as this site oh my!
Started out with seeds people have given me to see what I can get, and maybe try to get some better seeds next season.
just trying to get acquainted with the future of gardening:leaf: i have lots of questions about the site like how it works how to start threads so on im so stumped:wall: any hints would be great i have a "friend" with a small closet grow and "he" has questions quite often thanks again TL