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So i am starting to grow indoors in a nice size closet... i have read all kinds of things on how to grow and was wondering if someone experienced could give me the A B C's of growing inside....
Thanks for the help
hey everybody Im Sour T hah real name is Tone just a normal everyday stoner Iv been growing sense I was 12 smoking sense I was growing and in my life Iv had over 20 harvests this is acually the first growing forums Iv registered to but I already feel really welcomed nice to be here
Hey everyone, just wanted to stop in and say hey. I'm about to start my first serious grow, and am thinking DWC. I'm going to be doing 4 plants and was wondering if it would be better to use a big 10 gal rubbermaid for them al or individual 2-5 gal buckets. I know there are benefits to both, let me know what you think.


Hey all. Best site in the world here. I have a question, how do I change my display name that you all see me as?
Hello there! Last summer I got my hands on two marijuana plants and grew them in my back yard. I am a passionate gardener so even though I new nothing about growing weed, I applied the general rules of gardening and they grew nicely and turned out to be both female. I harvested them in the fall and I am enjoying it since… As I am in Canada and the outdoor is out of question right now, I am thinking to give a try to the indoor growing. I would like to grow two plants again as it is only for personal usage and I don't smoke that much - just grow enough for my husband and I to smoke year round... I did some research and it doesn’t seem all that hard. I just red a very helpful journal (https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/2713-my-very-first-grow.html). It is excellent written and everything is well explained, so I think I got the basics covered. One thing I am still not clear about: where do you get the seeds? To buy on the internet seems risky….
I see GROWVER here says he got his at the seed bank in downtown Vancouver. Is there a seed bank in Toronto? How do you do it?:confused:
hey yall new to this have a couple plants in a room just looking for some advice ive got some cfls that are producing about 15,000 lumens a fan circulating the air and then water once a day just filling the bottem of the watering pan does it sound like im doing alright i will get pictures about a week from now might need help sexing but yeah they just started flowering i started the 12/12 so yeah
Welcome all of you. start a journal if you want, lots of friendly folk here. Remember to include pictures, we like pictures. A picture is like a thousand words. And in case I forgot to mention it we like pictures. VV
Hi everyone,

I just got started myself. I read a bit about growing here and on the internet and desided to go hydro. Scince this is my first time I went with a drip system instead of a mist or ebb and flow because I could understand it. Also I liked the fact that if I had to leave them for a few days they would be ok.

I saw the waterfarm set up at General Hydroponics and liked that but didnt like the price tag. So I went on ebay and bought a used set up for $160. (at that point I didnt realise the nuteirents were going to cost me about the same) My friend had some older ballists so I bought three lights One 400w mh and Two 250w sodium and reflectors. Picked up a couple timers and whalla I am Mr Green jeans.

Here is our set up. We planted the clones a week ago in hydroton. Lights on for 18 hours and drip system cycles on/off every other hour when lights are on then twice when lights off for 90 min.


My bud belongs to a couple medical marajuana clubs here in california and we went there and picked up eight clones: 2 Mazar 3 Dutch Dragon and 3 Atomic Haze so we have two indika and 6 sativa.

When I went and saw them today I noticed a white film around the drip rings. I guess its salt. Not sure if this is a problem or not. Three of them are growing pretty fast, however they also have yellow around the edges of there leaves. I think the lights were too close, they were about two feet above the plants so I moved them up today. I am using flora nutrients gow, micro, bloom and diamond necter. I am following there chart but the first week I went a little weak on the nutes.
I had the ph at 5.5 and moved it up to 6.0 (or as close as I can tell with the mix and chart)


I was hopeing someone could tell me if I need to worry about the white substance on the drip rings. I think moving the lights up will solve the yellowing of the leaves but I am open for suguestions.
Welcome all of you. start a journal if you want, lots of friendly folk here. Remember to include pictures, we like pictures. A picture is like a thousand words. And in case I forgot to mention it we like pictures. VV

I decided to give it a try, so I planted a few seeds. When (if?) they come out of the ground I'll start a journal. Can't wait...
Moving the lights will probably not effect the leaves. you lights should be 10-16 inches from y our plants at the most.. if you are concerned about HEAT.. run a fan that blows air between your lights and your plants.. have the fan blowing slightly upward BLOWING the heat UP and away from your plants

The discoloration of your leaves is probably a PH issue.. I am almost sure of it... IT would be smart to change your reservoir water and re calculate you PH after you have added water + nnutrients..

Add water first.. then add nutrients... stir the reservoir thoroughly as you add each nutrient... then finally adjust your PH

MAKE sure your PPMs are low... around 300-600 .. and then raise them slowly every couple days.. until your leaves are dark green.. then back off about 10%..

just a quick hello. New to this whole growing thing. I have a bunch of regular house plants that i've seemed to keep alive for awhile so hopefully I will have similar luck with this haha. I have a small setup in my closet bout 2 sq ft with two plants i started from bag seed and since i don't smoke crap i know i'm not growing it. I have one doule 24" ballast with a cool and a warm flourescent and a single balast with another cool flouro. Is that sufficient light for them? all the bulbs are 20 watts a piece. They've been growing rather slowly I think cause its a little cool in my house usually 65 or 70 degrees f. also I have yet to see a full leaf all of them are only 3 pointed not the 6 or 7 I am seeing all over this site. Since i am new at all of this some advice would be great. also I am not using any nutes cause I want it el natural. Its a weed after all right? a friggan sweet weed. Look forward to hearin back, and meeting some cool people. Sorry this quick hello wasn't so quick after all haha.:eyesmoke:
Hiya Guys and Gals - am a newbie to this forum and have previously only grown weed in the most bog basic way (germinating seeds - throwing them in a margarine tub with soil for a couple of weeks under 1 or 2 shitty cfls (in my living room - no grow room!!!) 24/7 -transferring to flower pot under cfls 16/8 for 1 month- transfer to bigger flower pot under cfls 12/12 for 1 month - the end), this way has served me well but I think it's just so wasteful (even though I literally smoke everything - leaves, stalk, everything - I can't believe it when some people have said to throw the stalk away!!).

Hopefully someone in this forum could give me a few pointers so that I may improve things (without shelling out tons of cash - i'm a poor s.o.b!).

Anyway, I've had a little look-see around the site and think it's fantastic and I look forward to studying up. :joint::joint::blsmoke::blsmoke::joint::joint:
High everybody!! ;) New to this forum. Pretty much running 2 x 400 MH and then will switch to HPS. Right now just doing some BB and Grapefruite. Sortta new at this so going to see how it goes. I do plan on SOG with my 20 plants 1/2 bb and other half grapefruite. Right now the Grapefruite is 2-3 weekss aftergermnation and the BB are 1 week old comming this thursday. Overal plan is to hoppefully achieve 1lb every 2 weeks. And oh ya of course I'd never be doing this at my own place ;)
Hey everybody i'm jaydiem and im pretty new to this whole growing thing...I am getting a plant from a friend, but don't know what i should do after that...Any comments appreciate..
Yoo, The name is Gee. I'm new to this growing thing. I've been reading alot of stuff on this site since friday. :D
I'll be looking forward to you guys answering my questions, lol.

Edit - I'll be growing my own bud in a few months, when I get my own apartment. FREE GAS AND ELECTRIC, YAY. lol.
How many plants can I grow in a closet?Theres about 3 of em' in the apartment that I will be growing in. I was also thinking of putting a shelf in the closet so I can grow 2x more. I'll also be selling.
Greetings Stoners!

I'm really learning a lot about my favorite subject. I want to start growing my own soon. I thought HIgh Times had a ton of info, but this site is really great! Thanks to all of you for sharing your info.:lol:bongsmilie
so im new to growing sort of. ive had about 6 plants for a few months now but just discovered them allt o be males. im pretty pissed. lol i used a small closet space with some screw in energy saving bulbs. i know its not the best but money is scares. im germinating some easy sativa, morac, and purple power right now. and a few that a friend gave me. overall im germinating 18 guaranteed female seeds and than the plan is to do some cuttings and by the time spring rolls around have some great cuttings and decent sized plants to take outdoors. if anyone has some advice let me know. any suggestions or questions let me know. im here to learn so dont flame me if i ask a obvious or dumb question