Welcome New Members!


That was my plan but it has changed since once I removed all the components from the pc I decided it would be best to just focus on one good plant in the confined space rather than two mediocre plants. I also am reading up on the different light spectrums for cfls so I get the right cfls for each spectrum and not just a bunch of worthless bright lights. I also have a local brew and grow shop near my house and am getting schooled on hydro techniques.


Active Member
Hey everybody happy tokin!
working at getting a good setup for growing hydroponic and totally growing some mutant stuff!!
Hey guys, i'm new. To the site and to growing, actually i just got started today. Its great to see other people talking about their stuff and getting others involved.

Well happy smoking.
Hi, all. I'm new to this forum but I'm hardly a newbie to growing. My grows are small but v/ potent, for personal use and as gifts to friends. I hope to be of great help to many and I know I'll be helped greatly here.
I just had a small crop come in recently and I'm still curing the rewards, In sampling the rewards I seem to get nice and high but it doesn't seem to last long, 15 minutes, Any ideas out there why?
Whats goin on everyone.. this is my very first post. i have some lighting questions about HID stuff. let's say i have a room that is about 3x5x7... and i plan on having about 4 or 5 babies in there... will one 400w mh/hps set up be enough lighting for this? i may use some cfls to help with some spots that are lacking.. but i was curious if one is enough or if ill have to get two.


Hey guys!! Just figured Id drop a line and introduce myself.....
I am a tottal newb @ all this but I figured it was due time to try and suppliment my income by trying my hand @ hydro.
I am in the proces of ordering a waterfarm/8pk... Dont know if anyones got any advice right off the bat, but i promise any and
all will be appreciated. Im just tired of breaking my back 6 days a week to make ends meet so I look forward to talking w/ you
guys and look forward to any advice



This is my first grow i started germ with some seeds outta some really good mids on Mar. 20th so i'm like 9 weeks. I changed my light to 12/12 today on the white room. In there i'm using two 2' 75watt flour lights and a agrosun 150watt incandescent sun spectram light above. That light is really hot and i've kinda had a hard time keepin the temp down but it's usually around 80 82 sometimes 85? Next round I will have better lights. Two fans in and out. The red box is an ebb and flow hydro setup. I wasn't ever planning on gettin the plant this big until after flowering but they just seemed to keep stretching for light or something? I've done various trims and top the two outside plants about 3 or 4 weeks ago(too soon i think) The little grow box thing i started germ with a seed from some Hell's Angel on 420! I still have it at 18/6 but i was thinking about kickin it up to 20 hrs? i have two two 13watt cfl lights and a little dwc system. um ya i think that's about it just wanting alittle feedback and just someone to talk to about this shit like our own little club..... Thanks everyone

sorry bout the quality of the pics

Well , I'm here to continue my family legacy ....lol..... My dad grows the most beautiful plants I have ever seen or smoked....right from humboldt county. Welll, I'm going to try to grow a beautiful creation but don't have the faintest idea where to start, I got a lot to loose so I need a lil help in the being discreet dept. But my main? Is it illegal to buy seeds in the us?


Active Member
NEWBE...hummmm...!! Well, I"m 60 years old! I've done lots of forums!! I have been growing things forever!! But I am new to growing marijuana and I am new here soooo... Hello everyone!! just call me POPS! I have been lurking in wings here looking around and liked what I saw so I joined in. Looks like a good group!

I just got my MMJ card and the OK to grow so I'll be looking for answers and hope to be able to help others as I go along.

Have a great day! POPS....


Hiya, rollitup community

Nice to be part of this forum community I have learned alot already and look forward to many more Ah Ha thats what i was doing wrong moments. Thanks to all in advance.



HArooo to all my new friends!!
I am a noob when it comes to indoor home growing so i have been experamenting alot. I have also been reading up alot and trying to figure out what will work for me, in my space and budget and what not. Sooooooooooooo starting from the top.

I made a styrafoam floater and put 4 pre germinated seedlings in it. See pics
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this is just plain old tap water with an otto grow light on a cycle of 18 on 6 off, and there just over a month old. started out grew very fast compaired to the ones i have planted in soil, there stems are very sturdy and they seamed to be doing ok, untill about 3 or 4 days ago they started to get burn spots ( i am assuming) the leaves where curling and turnign yellow and brown. so i thought they where geting to hot i went out and got a lil fan and now it has more direct air flow, even thought its in my bathroom and not in a box or anything which is also air conditioned. I plan on geting some netted pots and pea gravel with a air pump for this, hopefuly it will work better then what i have been doing so far.

second attempts was a pre germination of 16 seeds, all bag seeds i have a fucking huge jar lawls, but again i noobed it up and had the light to far away from the dirt itsself and the plants got to spindely. so from the 16 i kept 4 and from the 4 only 2 stuck it out and they where both going good i was happy the bigger of the two was just on its first 5 leaf germination, when (dun dun daaaaaa) it wilted and it wilted fast.View attachment 939931View attachment 939922View attachment 939932View attachment 939928View attachment 939930View attachment 939921View attachment 939923View attachment 939926View attachment 939933View attachment 939924

I have read so many threads about over watering and under watering but i guess i still dont know wtf to do i only give the plant water every other day and when it gets watered i dont drowned it i just bareley use like a good mouth fully of water (no i dont spit water on my plant but i dont know how else to sum it up lol) but from what i read if i was over watering it the leaves would turn yellow but the leaves for the most part are still very green there is no discoloration in the stem i put in a bamboo pole just incase it got rly weak but it is still able to stand on its own but idk what i did wrong if anyone wants to put in there 2 cents or just tell me what i can do to fix it i dont want to loose my lil plant but i already have another 10 germinating in peat circles so its not a big deal if this one dies but yea, pm me or w/e.
thanks in advance


could that have caused the wilting? on one of the threads i read it said to put hot water on wilting plants to jump start some shit, i dont rly rember what it was but i havent been letting the water sit out at all i usualy just pop it in there.


Active Member
Well , I'm here to continue my family legacy ....lol..... My dad grows the most beautiful plants I have ever seen or smoked....right from humboldt county. Welll, I'm going to try to grow a beautiful creation but don't have the faintest idea where to start, I got a lot to loose so I need a lil help in the being discreet dept. But my main? Is it illegal to buy seeds in the us?
It is not illegal to buy seeds in the U.S.if you have a caregivers card. However, you CANNOT order seeds from Europe or Canada because it is against federal law. I used a prepaid credit card and had them sent to my deceased mother in laws house to avoid detection.