Welcome New Members!

Hi all. I am Pep... not so much a newb grower, but this outdoor season will be the first time I have grown with knowing exactly what seeds I am using. Have used seeds out of various ounces I have purchased in the past with surprisingly good success. I have currently 5 seeds germinating... 2 Liberty Haze, 2 North Lights Blue and 1 Blue Mammoth. I can only keep 2 of them and have friends who will be buying the other 3. Any suggestions on which ones I should keep?
Hey guys great forum, great advice. I'm a newbie, cooking on cfls proud father of two females of different strains yum, gonna hopefully keep the two mother plants and take cuttings, only got small cupboard but big enough, and a landlord that leaves me alone lol.
Will post pics soon this my first post.
Nice to see the help people offer each other. My set up cost me 50 rips including seeds so it don't have to be dear and although I won't become self sufficient I'll definitely be saving some money and actually know what I'm smoking..wish me luck, will be back with progress and a few questions probably, peace and love to all, deeman from Chester.
hi im conni and im in the uk, i havnt tried growing yet as im still doing the research on it so any advice would be great

id like to use LED lights as the police are using heat signature cameras on helicopters and i dont want to get caught
ive seen some cheao ones on ebay but i suppose they are shit? anyone tried them?

Id like to grow a good hybrid at least 50% sativa big yield and easy to grow

all advice appreciated

regards conni
Good Day to All,

Haven't started growing yet since I just retired and will be moving out to the west coast in the spring. Just too much going on right now to start anything up. I decided to start growing for economical reasons and I also find that I am absolutely fed up with taking prescribed medicine for my various aches and pains that I developed over the years in the military. A good toke or two of some decent "wheelchair weed" that I have access to does the job just fine without the risk of kidney or liver damage :)). I have been reading this site (and others) for quite a while now and the knowledge contained here is everything a person needs to know to get someting growing. Cudos to all the experienced contributors for sharing their knowledge and making life simple and bearable.
I was begining to wonder if there were any frendlys out there ime from way back but ive seen a lot of the earth and her girls ive setteld in central euorpe and get my seads at senci seed bank in amsterdam as i live only a couple of hours away . Ime not a hard stoner but i smoke when i have something to celibrate . And thus allways have had positive experiances when stoned ;;;hope you have a little room for an old timer who just loves to grow good monkey fist......so give me a shout and let me know your out there....secoya
I'm tryin to grow a mj plant. Need some advice..it's been 10 days since I planted the seed..how do you post pictures so I can show yal..SOS..
Hey guys whats up im johny i grow using a DWC and using CFL lights drips and rockwool kinda new to hydro but ive been using soil for like 4 years add me mgs me hit me up with ? feel free
hello just geting to the end of my first plant its a indooe stain planted outside in dirt nice growth budding nice but not fat just stared using molassas and m grow any thing elese help fatten buds up before the end is it best to wait till after first good frost or after how do i know when it done budding and should pick ??
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my Goonies voice.

What up ... I'm Bob... Just Bob..

I gotta UA coming up , Do you guys have a forum on good detox. ?

also... thanx for the site.. super rad.

Peace and Fish Grease fellow MJ advocates

hey everyone I'm new on here i wanna grow but can't afford to buy a house i have plenty of money for lights and everything like that. my question is can i rent a place to grow i want them to know what I'm doing so i don't have any problems
hey everyone I'm new on here i wanna grow but can't afford to buy a house i have plenty of money for lights and everything like that. my question is can i rent a place to grow i want them to know what I'm doing so i don't have any problems
best bet is to rent a home where it is legit to grow and rent there you cant get into trouble and its easy to make a fake proof to grow thats the easiest and safest way to be honest
hey my names jake and i need advice on my set up
-8x8 basement room
-8, 150 watt 6500k cfl for vegg
-1, 600 watt hps
-8 plants in flower
-8 plants in vegg
-2 fans
-intake with 8'' x 8'' fan
-exaust through cold air return from furnace
-nuts are shultz 10-15-10

I have 2 plants in vegg at the moment one will be mother and the other I will grow out. Will be taking clones in the next week or so they are currently 2 weeks old on there first two nods. I need a schedual on how I could harvast 2 a month. Im thinking introducing 2 plants to flower every month as the flowering ones are done and so on and so on.

Does anyone with expirience have any tips for me maybe 8 flowering at diferent intervals is too much or not enough?? not shur

hi there

i recently grew 8 ww (nirvana) indoor tent- went well. Out of the seeds left i just planted one, in a pot in the garden, in soil- looked after it until about 3ft tall (baring in mind this was summertime uk) off of this plant i snipped some cuttings just to seee how to do it- these vegged well so i then put them into my tent on flower- these are now 3 foot tall BUT they have not branched off, just grew up and kinda started to bud (early signs- white hair things) now have i done somet wrong or? they kinda look like a bud on a stick?????

any advice please

Well I doubt many if any will see this post... but if you are still reading, I am Por2Rich. My set-up is still in the process of being purchased. It is costing more than I originally anticipated but that is ok because I still have a lot to learn and it will give me more time to wander this great site! Props to R-I-U! See you on the Forums
Hey everyone, I am new to this whole thing. I have a sick veggie garden. But the growing season is over so I am going to grow indoors. Also I am gonna try to to something else with the veggies. It is goinig to be my 1st time with that plant. I am going to try hydro and soil. If I fuck up oh well, I am gonna keep on trying. Hopefully I can get some pointers/help if I need it from here.HAPPY GROWIN!!