Welcome New Members!

Greetings, everyone! It's nice to finally find a place populated by experienced people to exchange ideas and information with. It's no fun having to hide from the world!
Oh btw hello everyone.
Also another question, would anyone in the uk, especially those in South Wales give me a quick mail and tips on how to, where to etc, would be greatly appreciated. I have seen the uk growers thread, but it seems to be for advanced growers.
I have not started as yet, beside window growing, which was abysmal to say the least.

we're a friendly bunch in the uk thread man, dive in, there's a few lads from down your way
For those of us who are pretty new to growing the green here is very important info a must know ive been bitten by the lil buggers my first time out...this time "An ounce of prevention"...lol...
and a short on what is on this page must go to the url to read more:
spider mites1.jpg

I am using SNS 217 .. All Natural ready to use spider mite control...Kills and repels spider Mites AND THEIR EGGS...most effective if used on a 7 to 14 day , Active ingredient: is Rosemary Oil 2.0% and other ingredients 98% water, polyglyceryl, oleate, Lauric acid...I smell neem in it to...or it smells like it might be there..though they dont list it...This time I got smart I sprayed my plants soon as they were in the tent...under the leaves the on top...now I use my microscope (probably a bit too often) every other day checking just to be sure the lil buggers are gone...
I feel for ya if you got m.... if you dont catch before you see the webs in my opinion you pretty much done for..though you can save your plants..
Now I have a question.. After all the bug spray, I looked every where on internet, and could find no answer...do I rinse my plants with a water and soap spray, foilage spray ? anything? and even if I didnt have bugs which at this time I dont thank goodness... how often should you do a foilage spray while in veg?
Hope you all are havein very good days... and that this will help someone else before they meet the lil bugs..
Gidday all.Greetings from Western Australia.
Been a member for nearly 12 months and finally got my finger out to post. Been growing Mull outdoors for years and hydro for the past 14 months or so. Today i harvested Bubblegummer,
Thc Bomb, The Church, Sour Kush. Have got my shit together and taken pics so will post up a thread. Previously grown Big Bud,Vanilla Kush,Rocklock,Great White Shark and Black Diesel all to varying degrees of success.

Cheers TLH
Hey all,
how goes it?
I am on grow number two, i have two super lemon haze just went onto week 4 of flower. Last night i noticed some spots on the main stock at the bottom and some (around 4) strange white shoots. Its been done in a nft 45ltr tank. Any help would be most appreciated. Many thanks

We live in the world of make believe
what are those double sockets called? the ones with the two bulbs. But anyways, I am just going to start with the clip on with individual bulbs, just get two of them, and see how I could develop my lighting system slowly.
Greetings fellow cannabis enthusiasts. Long time lurker, first time poster.

On a whim, I threw some bag seed into the ground in May and, with the help of the information on this forum and lots of patience, in September we harvested an 8 ft. monster. The guy I usually buy from was blown away at the size of the plant and quality of smoke. I uploaded some photos of her for you guys to enjoy. Thanks for all your help!


p.s. Now I'm hooked...starting my next project soon!
After smoking weed for years I decided I needed to be healthier. I heard somewhere that combustion is bad for me so I'm looking into vaping. It's my wishfull thinking that weed has superb social and medicinal quallities that have led me to beleive I should know all about it and start growing it myself.
After lots of reading and pondering I feel it's time to become active. I'm kinda a stickler for doing things "the best way" though I know better... I hope joining up and mingling with you good folkes will set me on a right path. As I'm a complete noob, I'll have litlle to add and so much to ask but as soon as I'm a Ganja Guru I promise to give back the love. Mind you, I have piss poor nettiqete so I'm relying on common sense to see me through... Let's see how far I get.
Wishing you well,
Hello everybody. I grew my first pot plant in 1975. It turned out to be a male.

About 10 years later, after a lot of practice with other plants, I got my hands on some seeds from a friend's lid of stuff that (he said) came from Afghanistan and helped finance the war against the Soviets. I planted them, and the buds I harvested were so freaking powerful that people I sold or gave it too would complain that it was too strong. One guy took a couple hits and felt like he could drive. He was out on the road when the full force of the high hit him. Thank goodness he didn't crash or get a ticket, but still he was a little shaken when he related this to me.

Sorry to say, I had to quit growing for a couple of decades, but now I'm back ... to growing, not this site. I've never posted here before.
Hello every One I am AZWHIP520 ,I'm new to the forum and would like to get in on some good grow advice.. I'm a first time grower and started 3 plants for personal use just 3 weeks ago. In soil In pots and Half Indoors and half out doors 24 light right now 12 day or natural sun and 12 hrs on a light inside. I want to post pics but not sure how yet. they are almost 4 nodes high and need some good tips how to make them bud right. Also not sure how to cure and dry or for how long.. thank you to any one that helps and gives info. :joint:
Hey everyone new here and I am starting my first medical grow...not much luck with the last 6 seeds, so I need some help. I did order more seeds today as I suppose I will need more. Most of the seeds I got were feminized autoflower seeds, I am using CFL bulbs and a spare room upstairs. I will grow in soil for now. I plan a max of 4 plants. But my last 6 seeds have not survived past about 3 inches...so I need help. The patient has a large tumor from Lymphoma, we are trying to ease pain and stimulate eating...here's the seeds I ordered, please send input on how I can get these past 3 inches. Advanced Seeds Auto Skunk Mass
Feminized Cannabis Seeds
Dinafem Seeds Cheese AUTO
Dinafem Seeds Roadrunner Automatic
Delicious Seeds La Diva Automatic

which would be best for me to start with?
I've never dealt with feminized or autoflower seeds, but that seems like an unusually low survival rate. Do you have a lot of experience growing other plants?
hii i need help with these auto cheese dinafem.. i dont know what im doing wrong?? theyve gone a pale green/ yellow??? also have i got to many plants in my tent for a 400 watt hps theres only 4 auto strains in there??
Hello... My name is Yvette. I grew up in Hawaii, and am now living in San Diego. I am growing in doors, for the first time ever, and it is something I am really enjoying. As a outdoor grower, the concept of indoor growing was always cool to me, but unavailable as cost goes. Well now, a friend who owns a dispensory, has hired me to help out with gardening. Super Cool!!!
Anyways, I joined this forum, to see if my outdoor tricks, can, or will work on indoor fruit. So, thank you for having me, and thank you for being here.

Aloha no, a hu'i ho,
