well, grasscity banned me for speaking against their nazi ass's so here i am!


Well-Known Member
So yesterday i harvested one of my boys plant and hes got some killer nugz from the same strain as mine, i here its some green crackXnorthern lights but thats just what i hear;)



Well-Known Member
Lookin' nice man! BTW, you should get out there and socialize with the people on this forum! You'll get a lot more followers if you make a few buddies on here!



Well-Known Member
Lookin' nice man! BTW, you should get out there and socialize with the people on this forum! You'll get a lot more followers if you make a few buddies on here!

I agree. It seems like people will comment on your thread more if you start commenting on theirs.


Well-Known Member
uk wat? sounds like a great idea! im just used to people nuttin all over my shit but im def gunna try to make some new buds!


Well-Known Member
To see how far you have come really encourages me, it looks like your doing great even though you had a bumby start :D
Keep us updated man