Well, I had an interesting appointment with my neurologist today. First I took the Patients Out of Time education for physicians to another of my Physicians.
My appointment went well. He sees Cannabis is working for me and agreed for no change. I told him I met & was on a panel with Irvin Rosenfeld. He was aware a Federal patient had her card, and confirmed it was the same as my Multiple Sclerosis. He seemed disgusted there has been no research.
I told him how I had worked for regulation that would work. Then how we were ignored. He didn't know about the 25 patient limit for a doctor. He agreed it seemed good, then a minute later no good. Oncology doctors and cancer sprang to his mind. When I told him it banned lab testing he described it as ignorant. He has never signed a card for a MS patient. He just has problems with lack of studies and regulated dose. When he found out I can't get my tincture tested by a lab, that further proved SB 423 is unworkable to him.
I confirmed there is no prescribed pill for neuro-protection. There is a Parkinson's pill which showed promise but at twice the dosage there was no help. Therefore abnormality. He found out the US govt has the patent for Cannabis as a neuroprotectant in the treatment of neuroprotective disease. Sure seems like that is a Medical Necessity to me. He agreed it is working like a fat layer on the central nervous system.
I also told him about the British scientists who did the autopsies of MS patients who used cannabis long term. Every one had less wasting from the MS than the control. He said he will be calling my general dr. to come up with a plan for mid August. My general didn't sign my current as no appointment could be in time. My general dr. has signed some but I hate to be the 26th under this.
So I dropped of the paperwork for the Patients Out of Time to my general. I hope all three doctors will take the class. I hope my neurologist left work to look up some of the things I told him. I think all patients with their cards should respectfully ask for their doctors to take the class. I won't even write a paragraph about the conversation about not being able to pay $1 to your 'provider'.