Well I put my order in for 10 Pandoras Box


Well-Known Member
Will take a while to get to Aus from Canada, but seeing as bidzbay wont ship to Aus I had to go with Hemp Depot.

Should be a major upgrade to my old Nirvana PPP that I have now.


I'd like to see a vertical ScrOG grow journal, I'll subscribe. I hope you decide to make that thread, Pandora's Box sounds great. Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Waiting for the beans, got the confirm email from hempdepot a while ago.
I chose these beans for my purposes from the writeup that Subcool did. Since then it seems that everyone is buying them. I know the web page says that Jillybean is the most popular, but man everyone seems to be talking Pandoras Box ATM. That could just be cause im keeping an eye out tho :)


Well-Known Member
well got my seeds today, so thats how long it takes to get from canada to aus i guess :)
22 days to send the money order there, then to process and send the seeds back.
now to find the mother plant !


Well-Known Member
The proper way to get started is to start a minimum of 5 seeds and select the best female we do this in even greater numbers that how we find the gems



Well-Known Member
i certainally appreciate what your saying (especially after this effort) and i may just do that.
one of the things i liked about pandoras box was that you said that all seeds were almost the same, that the wasnt any real pheno variance or whatever (im prob using the wrong words)
anyway i guess im gonna go throw a few more in, just means i gotta keep track of which clone came from where. that shouldnt challenge me too much i hope :)


Well-Known Member
what kind of post 12/12 growth can i expect with the pandoras box and querkle......i run co2 and aeroponics


Well-Known Member
ok so i put in 4 more seeds as advised
all 4 popped
all 4 grew ... well

now you know how you look at a web page or a book and the professional plants look awesome
like really awesome
and you wish you could grow like that
well ive been growing for 2 years with cheap seeds (how much difference can it really make anyway)

these 4 plants look (to me) like the kind of plants that pros grow.
ive never had such a nice looking plant, never mind 4
so i took 2 clones off each and put them into flowering.
lets hope they are all female, but even 2 females would keep me happy.

ive also used less nutes than the package / shop advice and i wonder if thats part of the goodness
im gonna try keeping the EC lower than recommended and be kind to these plants, ive grown attached to them :)



Well-Known Member
im cautious when sexing the plants. One seems def male, and a second im dubious about. i wont pull it till im sure tho.
I grow 4 plants at a time, and i took 2 clones from each plant, so as long as 2 are female i ~should~ be fine.
just the first grow will be 2 plants in a 4 plant system :(

EDIT : yup had a close look after lights out, def 2 male 2 female


Well-Known Member
i thought that with pandoras box all the seeds produced pretty much the same plant. i understand that there will be genetic variations, but this is crazy.

the first 2 photos are of when i put them into flowering, all pretty small.

the second 2 photos were taken today.

The girl in front is massively stretchy (sativa)

and the girl behind is squat and bushy (indica)

i have drowned them both in a PGR (i know you organic guys wont like that) and they shouldnt be this different. 4 weeks flowering on Saturday.

i have grown 100% sativa that stretched like this, and these are supposed to be 60% indica.

anyway the point of my post is to ask anyone with experience of Pandoras Box how they found the 2 different phenos, and what they are like?

note that there were 4 plants, sexed 2 males out and left with 2 females.

sorry about the photo quality, phone camera, wish i had a camera (and skills) like sub :)

