well my sister died yesterday morning


Well-Known Member
well yesterday my mother got the worst mothers day ever. my sisters and i lost our oldest sister, and my mother lost her daughter and a dad lost his little girl. the dissappointing part is that she overdosed on roxies. if they would replace everyones roxie prescription with a medical marijuana prescription 6 people a day wouldnt die from drug overdoses here in the state of florida.
Sorry to hear that man. My prayers go out to you and your sister. Being a Floridian too I wish they would legalize medical use (at least), too bad we are probably one of the worst states when it comes to marijuana. But, I feel for you, losing someone is never easy
yeah it sux pretty bad. all i can repeat in my head is "linda's dead" its beyond shocking. the messed up part is my other sister tried to wake her up and my sisters 5 and 3 yr old kids seen their aunt linda foaming at the mouth. she said she pulled the blanket off her and her skin looked like it got electricuted. she was already dead.
Godspeed to your sister Heather, keep that good family close in these times...

I won't even get started on the topic of pills... I hate them, they're the devil, they should be illegal, I've lost a very close friend to pills, and I've never met any successful, upstanding people who are addicted to pills, they will bring anyone down over time.


Wow... :roll:
im sorry to hear this maybe you can take her death and do a protest ect, this is sad, having someone die from something man made when tehy are other ways to help others, im really really sorry for your loss iknow sorry isnt the best but in time youll heal just remember to celebrate her life! and if you ever need to talk im here pm me
RIP linda

you know i feel for you but i dont know what to say

other than i feel exponentially worse for the children

was your sister a mother?
Godspeed to your sister Heather, keep that good family close in these times...

I won't even get started on the topic of pills... I hate them, they're the devil, they should be illegal, I've lost a very close friend to pills, and I've never met any successful, upstanding people who are addicted to pills, they will bring anyone down over time.

Wow... :roll:
but yeah thankz but for future reference its heath not heather but yea good lookin. pills get a dampening image every year and it as the years go on it looks worst and worst.
My best friend died in 07 of same kind of od. I am very very sorry for your loss. I will pray for your whole family.
yeah she had three boys and two twin girls. and one grandchild
aww what a kick in the ass

your right mmj never killed anyone, no one ODs on bud or gets addicted. but the pills this fine gov we have pushes are way too cheap strong easy to get and bad for you

are you a norml member? you should send a letter to your reps

and i thought you were heather too, but remember you corecting me and a few other people
could have something to do with that thin arm holding that big bud up lol
but yeah thankz but for future reference its heath not heather but yea good lookin. pills get a dampening image every year and it as the years go on it looks worst and worst.

Ooops! The "Heathaa" kinda confused me as you could tell! Sorry!

Again, good vibes headed your way, stay positive.
Godspeed to your sister Heather, keep that good family close in these times...

I won't even get started on the topic of pills... I hate them, they're the devil, they should be illegal, I've lost a very close friend to pills, and I've never met any successful, upstanding people who are addicted to pills, they will bring anyone down over time.

Wow... :roll:

you said it all...Pills are the devil...heathaa sorry for ur loss..
There's not much more tragic than a death occurring under those circumstances. I feel very sorry for the children who saw what they did. My thoughts are with you. I'm sorry for you loss.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss, my prayers as well go out to you and your family, from my experience the best thing knowing in a time like this is that people are behind you and support you, at least that helped me a lot in trying times, just know we're all here for you so if you need to talk to someone other then family so you can vent feel free to pm me as well or if you need anything, just try to stay as strong as you can for your father and mother, and I'm going to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

I love all you guys very much,
That's totally fucked dude, I'm sorry for your loss.

I would have had an older sister to look up to but due to some 100,000:1 odds of each of my parents having the same gene she didn't live very long after she was born.

So be grateful and not sad, because you got to know your sister because some people (like me in this case) never got to do that.

I still wonder what she would be like, or how she my life would be different.