Well, the first rec day was a bummer..

They do that now in Oregon when you buy beer at the grocery store. I looked into it and you can ask them to enter your DOB by hand rather than scanning your ID. Weed stores just look to let you in and then ask for your DOB at time of sale, no scan required.
Probably a debit card.
True. Debit card. I live in S. Vermont and headed south a few times to buy. Didn’t actually know there was an issue there, but I definitely used the bank card at least a couple times. I think. Just asked my wife. She’s remembering that we started using cash as there was a debit charge associated. Pretty sure. Good news is I haven’t had to buy there since late summer, and hopefully have liberated my self as a homegrower.
That is such a joke, dude. Why would I make that up? And you’re totally wrong. Do a quick google about debit cards in MA dispensaries.
I dont know why you would make it up. I live here so i understand the rules.
Banks will not process dispensary transactions. They will dole you out cash from an atm at that establishment though.
I dont know why you would make it up. I live here so i understand the rules.
Banks will not process dispensary transactions. They will dole you out cash from an atm at that establishment though.

You’re just wrong bro. I used debit cards at the place in Williamstown, Ma, and at least one other. Glad I live in Vermont though.

I posted above this a link to your own states web page about this, and saved you the time by quoting the relevant passage. I’m not a bullshitter and have no reason to be.
And since my grow was all fucked up due to moving I'm going to get an out of state temp med card in OKC and stock up when I'm there next month.

Shit's super down cheap there.
You got that right. Some of the commercial growers found it cheaper to distroy ther crop than to trim. There is so much here that if someone hits you up for a bud you just give them a bag.

I leased (or I should say gave) a barn and 60'x60' garden to some hopeful growers. After 2 seasons of loosing their butts they just walked off and left it.

I say, come on down to Oklahoma and stock up. I've seen it advertised for $25.00 an ounce. you better hurry though, there are a lot of growers and head shops going under. When there are enought of them gone the price will probally skyrocket.
I think it's an unreasonable fear, unless in your particular case you HAVE to stay "off the radar" because the Treadstone program is after you :lol: lol

Nobody in any facet of Government gives a damn that you're making a dispo purchase, in fact they may thank you for your patronage
I find the comparison pretty flawed. I don’t see them going backwards on pot selling and growing. It’s too profitable. I can’t go on a killing spree with my pot plant.

I've never seen hard proof that a bumpstock was used in any killing spree. But gov does what it wants. You can put yourself on a watch list if you care to, I'll stay off the radar.
Imo always the best policy. They don’t fuck with people to bad about seat belts either until your stopped for speeding