Well there dead im sure


Well-Known Member
Ok i put a thermometer in the box last night and i just looked it was 117 degrees with 16 percent humidity its been 4 days like that do im turning the fans on bringing the tep to 85 degrees and raising the humdity ALOT

Are they dead u think i looked at them n i can still see the tap root but they have done nothing for 4 days


Well-Known Member
lol u can play doctor as much as u want but im pretty sure there dead im like 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure


Well-Known Member
Here ya go
Why do you even have light on them now? and how did you go 4 days not even checking on them on your first grow. I have to force myself to stop checking on them every 15 minutes when I am home, but I dont see how being that young you even needed any light at all on them to get that hot. They are seedlings but I can see if they even have a second set of leaves yet. With that heat you would be stunting the growth besides killing them. wait until you get some green before banging the lights on them, and why is this area getting so hot? is there any way to get the air out of the room? this would pull air from a cooler room in there ideally but still dont see why its getting so hot in the pic it looks like big area around your setup


Well-Known Member
Why do you even have light on them now? and how did you go 4 days not even checking on them on your first grow. I have to force myself to stop checking on them every 15 minutes when I am home, but I dont see how being that young you even needed any light at all on them to get that hot. They are seedlings but I can see if they even have a second set of leaves yet. With that heat you would be stunting the growth besides killing them. wait until you get some green before banging the lights on them, and why is this area getting so hot? is there any way to get the air out of the room? this would pull air from a cooler room in there ideally but still dont see why its getting so hot in the pic it looks like big area around your setup
lol btw your setup looks like an oven anyway, let those things breath and get a fan on them indirectly at first but enough to move them a bit. I cant even see a plant in the pics just containers


Well-Known Member
OK at night the temp gets down to 30 degrees that why i keep the light on all day to keep it warm today it was alittle warm thats y i think its so hot today and i check them every day the onnly reason i let the temp get that high was because i just got the thermomter last night n put it in there. what i did was i germed the seeds till i saw a little tap root then i put them in the rockwool under the light.

I think i can bring them back to life im positive i can becasue the rockwool isnt even that hot or dry so i think im ok i hope :/

I got a fan coming in and out but i have to turn it off at night cuz it gets real cold ;(


Well-Known Member
Ok so I know this sounds stupid but I used it back when I had major heating issues like you, anyways as long as you can go to the plants semi often. They even used this trick before air conditioning..anyways put a fan on the ground with a bowl of ice/cold water it will bring the temps down pretty good..I dont understand why your room is so hott though...>.<


Well-Known Member
Its hot because i turned the fans off last night cuz in the attic its like 30 degrees n this moring it was a nice day and warmed up n thats when i checked them it was 117 directly under the light i got the fans on now and the temp is 88 degrees