Well, they did it


Well-Known Member
Got it passed in WA and CO. I can't say Maine will follow suit anytime soon but it surely paves the way somewhat.


Active Member
I am just afraid this is paving the way for big business to control it. Imagine if it's controled like distilled spirits. you can drink them but can't distill them.


Well-Known Member
I am just afraid this is paving the way for big business to control it. Imagine if it's controlled like distilled spirits. you can drink them but can't distill them.
Is that more because it gets pretty dangerous when making stronger proof alcohol?(im sure your right though money is probably the driving factor)

Im not sure they could put the lid on it as lots of people already grow indoors or out. Unlike some alcohol where you need lots of equipment and experience to do it.


Active Member
I guess my "Dream" here in this State will never happen then ..... A place where one could purchase seeds or clones, edibles, or even purchase a joint or an amount of something new that just came out on the market. I guess that will never happen, so back to reality I go .......

Peace, Love and Happiness to All :-)


Well-Known Member
I am just afraid this is paving the way for big business to control it. Imagine if it's controled like distilled spirits. you can drink them but can't distill them.
That's mostly because how dangerous it is to distill spirits. You can do it at home, but you need a license which is kind of bullshit, but it's one way of trying to make sure the people who are making spirits actually know what they're doing.

Home made spirits are unpractical as it stands now. Stick with cherry wine.

Shark Bait

The way I see it, I can brew my own beer, and there is no way the Gov can stop every one from doing this, just as it will be impossible to stop all the home grown herb, they can not do it now, how will they be able to do it as the consequences decrease as society continues to accept it more and more.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it, I can brew my own beer, and there is no way the Gov can stop every one from doing this, just as it will be impossible to stop all the home grown herb, they can not do it now, how will they be able to do it as the consequences decrease as society continues to accept it more and more.
Nope, they can't stop everyone. The problem is that, in the near term, there will be an unfortunate few they will raise hell with. Feds will likely act tough at first. It will take a few more states to force fed action to change it. imo, of course.


Well-Known Member
people are always going to push the limits.. I hope we reach a place where inspections are the reg. and standards are in place

Maine Brookies

Active Member
I am just afraid this is paving the way for big business to control it.
I think it would have gone this way without the medical movement. With the current situation, medical patients have a ton of sympathy. I just can't see the public getting behind an effort to restrict cultivation to big business. I what has developed in the beer market, where a few players split the 80% of the market that is satisfied with commericial grade cannabis (think Anheiser Busch) while small growers (think microbreweries) carve out niches that cater to the other 20% or so.


Active Member
Its my understanding that Mass. & CT. MMJ patients can not grown their own medicine and that the state is trying to make it so your only able to buy it from state run authorized dispensaries...be glad we're in Maine though I'm sure Maine is going to try some time in the future to stick their hands into our business and make some more money off of us. Anyone know the real deal on this?


Well-Known Member
I did not know that about MA and CT, but WA state has that in their law for recreational pot.


Well-Known Member
Mass is looking into only allowing person cultivation to patients who cant get to a dispensary or who cant afford a dispensary. But they are saying you might have to apply for a personal cultivation permit. They have also been talking about allowing caregivers. And the dispensaries arn't gonna be state run, they're gonna be not for profit and state regulated. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Here's a scenario: Some day, off in the distance, mj is totally legal, although regulated/taxed. Anybody can cultivate, and either sell to a retail shop or be licensed to sell as well as cultivate. In that world, where do you see the price at for a zip? Or a wholesale lb to a retail shop? I am talking about after it's been legal for some time, and we're all used to it.
All hypothetical, of course.

Shark Bait

I would say with in months maybe 6 of legalization, and you would almost have to give it away. The market would be flooded in no time.


Active Member
my 02 cents Tet would be similar to a garden of veggies. We pretty much can all grow something, (example bucket tomatoes), but yet still purchase some at our local store or farmers market. I think the key tool here would be to have the MJ graded. In this way, one pays premium price for name brand veggies.


Well-Known Member
Excellent point, my. Lots of people will choose not to, or be unable to cultivate. Quality will definitely come into play. Still, depending on the regulations/taxes, I can't see a legal market supporting anywhere near today's prices. When's the last time you saw a $20 tomato? lol