Well Water(high in iron)


Could I just boil my water and let it sit for a day or two to get rid of the high iron content or would I be better off just buying distilled water?


Well-Known Member
From my botany classes, i learned that iron can compete with zinc and copper, both of which are important for plant growth. My prof told me, if you first boil it, then let the water sit out and drop a magnet in it, it will help to reduce the levels of iron. I have never done this, so i cant say it works. You doing hydro or soil?


Active Member
If you know for sure that your well water is no good for growing, the best long-term solution would be a RO system. I don't believe boiling the water will help, in fact it may make the iron concentration higher as it is the water that boils off and not the iron. Kind of like trying to boil off rice; you'll run out of water before any rice evaporates (which of course it will not).


Well-Known Member
If you know for sure that your well water is no good for growing, the best long-term solution would be a RO system. I don't believe boiling the water will help, in fact it may make the iron concentration higher as it is the water that boils off and not the iron. Kind of like trying to boil off rice; you'll run out of water before any rice evaporates (which of course it will not).
This is the thing about boiling water though, it breaks bonds for elements, allowing them to volatize off. I know what you mean about how it increases the concentration of things, but that is not always the case.