went over 12/12 light cycle by 1 hour 30 mins...


New Member
hi folks my plants r in 12/12 3weeks now,my 12/12 light cycle ran over by an extra 90 mins due to timer failing,i will continue as normal but wondering will this affect my flowering process at all..any help would be gratefully appreciated..thx


Yes it does but others will also say "nothing happened to my babies, they turned out just fine". It doesn't affect them in a way to totally ruin your yield it just does a small affect because it changes the internal chemical process of your plants when they thought it was going to be dark or light but it wasnt. Stay to the same schedule and do your best to not interrupt the cycle or have ANY light leaks during darkness. dont worry, happened to me 4-5 times and im a first time grower (mine look great)...best of luck =))


Staff member
lol youll be fine dont listen to "helicopter parents " who keep their weed in bubble wrap


Well-Known Member
It's like eating your post-workout protein bar before your workout. Basically you gave them 1h 30m more of growth (dark) or storing energy (light). For plants that are in the process of flowering, this can be a bit stressful (but I wouldn't imagine it would EVER have an effect at only 90minutes) for plants that are 2+ weeks into flower and have determined their sex, they won't give a shit; weird things happen in the woods too; extra light from a new street lamp; less light from a fallen tree; it's all good. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
It'll b fine not some thing I'd want to have happen all the time but once isn't really gonna hurt. I had my power go out about two weeks ago for two days. When the power went out the plants had lights on in flower for 5 hrs then boom no power. I did go buy a generator to plug in one light for the next night.

So my plants had five hrs of light then like 19 hrs of dark till I had the gen run a light. May have slowed them down just a bit but there back just moving along though the weeks now no prob.


Well-Known Member
I just did this 2 hours, my timer broke, just put her back on her regular hours, she will be fine, ive herd people that have went ALOT longer and fine, Maryjane is a hardy plant, she can bounce back from a lot! :) some strains are more sensitive then others of course but you will be fine :) ONE LOVE!