Went to the ER friday night...


Active Member
So me and a few of my bros were going to smoke, but they didn't let me buy it because I was doing some stuff before and wasn't there so they got it from some friend of a friend...

I didn't think anything of it, it was dank and sticky as hell, right? So we load it in a waterfall bong and I take the first hit. Next thing I know I'm high as hell, haha. Well we had a first time smoker and I only let it burn half a bowl before pulling it off, draining the bottle, and letting him take the hit.

He takes it pretty good, gets his cough in and then everyone else goes in on the rotation.

Next thing "Dude, ---'s freaking out" I come back in and he's going out the door to the bedroom, falls down on the bed and is like repeating "guy's get me outta here, im not okay guys i gotta go i gotta get outta here help me out"

So i pick him up and take him downstairs and outside. I start talking to him and he's calming down. I started like rhyming every sentence haha it was awesome. Anyway, though, we're walking around my neighborhood and he's relaxing, so I figure it was just panic and he calmed down.

Next thing he wants to sit down so we sit down and then he starts really freaking. He wants us to get help blah blah blah he's making me call people to come get him but nobody is answering and I'm starting to freak out a little, too. Then he starts saying his heart is hurting and that's not good, you know.

Next thing he's running towards random people screaming for help. I'm freaking out too so I call my friends and we get driven to the ER. By the time were there I'm just as bad as he is. We walk/run ourselves in and collapse in the waiting area.

Next few hours I only have bits and pieces. I started throwing up, they put me in a wheel chair and him in one too. They get us off to our rooms strip down and then a piss test. Really out of it. Hook us up to the heart thing and my heart rate is 140+ (normally less than 40, I'm a runner) and his is 170+. I get an IV and he gets two.

(BTW the IV was the greatest feeling thing in the world, I swear. It was like ice moving up my arm and through my body, went to sleep right away)

Little bit later my dad comes in and he's a little pissed but he's got my mom on the phone and there both just really worried. Around 1AM they, give me a little medication let me go and I go home and just pass out. My friend made it out a little bit later.

I'm feeling fine the next day just really tired.

Here's the thing, though. I was thinking maybe it was laced or maybe it was just panic attacks, right?

Doctor says "We only found marijuana in the blood and no sign of anything else - we think its just still in the blood and hasn't come through the urine" Okay, but I hadn't smoked in a while before friday night so that marijuana is from that smoke.

My other friends were all fine, one of them took double hits off the waterfall. They all went to dinner after they dropped us off, stared at their food for a couple hours and then just left - they didn't know what was going to happen. My friend said he was freaking out a little because of me and the other guy in the hospital, but he was okay.

...so? Story to share. Definently wasn't fun. Man...

PS: Doctor said that this should be a lesson in itself and there were no police


Well-Known Member
wow is all i can say i have been super baked where even other people in public make remars but hell i have never been in the er from my chronic and im glad well thank god you guys are alright when i was in hs i had a friends that bought some pills off this old dude who said they were pins but thery were bloodthinners his boddy went all weird and stiff in the legs we had to carry his ass to a train station and call an ambulance needles to say im just a toker so i havent had these issues buit your story makes me feel like i could have lol..


Active Member
Yea it was pretty freaky. I thought half the bottle would be alright but now that I think about it, maybe not. I guess I didn't take more than three or four hits from a pipe my first time and this is like an entire bowl.

I've never had those kind of effects before, though.


Well-Known Member
We were jamming and a friend (who's a light smoker) comes over and takes a puff, next thing I hear is him panicing and saying I've got to get out of here......talk about a waste
of fine twistables...........the shame of it all


Well-Known Member
one time in my lightweight days....i smoked like 3 bowls of what i was told was white rhyno....within 5 to 10 mins i blacked out a littlebut didnt fall over so i sit down and my friends all freakin out but im like no im good im good im at a all night party thing....a lockin....so a bit later while im sitting a dollar falls in front of me and i dont see it fall i only see it in like 3 spots then its on the ground like a flip book also my vision was like a box and at one point i started laughing so hard my hearing went completely out i just laid down for like 2 hours and chilled cuz im pretty calm person but i could see how someone would freak out on first time smoking if you get some shit like this


Well-Known Member
Wow sorry you had such bad luck but at least everything turned out ok. i always worry about getting weed thats been laced. but it sounds like it was just a panic attack. the guy probably had some preconceived notion that weed is dangerous. i was hesitant my first time because of the lies that had been told about weed. even now if i get too stoned i get a little panicky but luckily i know how to deal with it and no one ever knows its happening.