Were my blunt rollers at


Well-Known Member
It's called the stankless dankness? Not sure if that's official but shit doesn't smell till it's grinded, N its potentttt


Well-Known Member
sounds like some interesting but got any pikz? I'm still eagerly waiting on some ak47.first thing ima do when i get it is pack a g.b. cap


Well-Known Member
Im rolling one right now fr my friend but I cant smoke it lol.

Im working with a vanilla dutch and sour d.
cup of noodles are no good Ramen all the way, oriental flavor

hell yeah throw some veggies in with it, it's grate....LOL I'm hungry


Well-Known Member
hey da07flopro, do u makes beats i know someone who makes beats and is black (no offense) and seems to have the same stuff in his room as you . im just curios if your the same person. also that looks like a whitegrape white owl,


Well-Known Member
lol fuck chicken.

Chili is the best but the only place I've ever found it is in jail.

And I smoke a vanilla dutch every time.I always know what to expect and there always perfect so im good.
chili is good but it needs to be cut cuz its to spicy


Active Member
i stay smokin on the wine flavored swisha sweets, no less than two beezys a day. wish i could show you this stogie i got pearled up right now, but i got no camera.


Well-Known Member
is anyone else in here a grower at all, none really seem like theri actual growers in here or people who never have. im just asking not bein a dick or nothin cuz i love blunts its all i smoke


Well-Known Member
i grow to but unfortantly i cant grow outdoors so i have to let somone grow for me in the summers, but i still got alot of my own indoor i grew.