West Coast Chronic Vs East Coast Chronic???


Well-Known Member
only fuckin idiots wud think west is better than east. in anything. celtics, sox, n pats reppin the east baby! (fuck the NY teams; yankees aint been close for years n giants r done anyways.) and u idiots who have no friends and can only get good shit for thru the roof prices.... stfu, u still dont know the east.
it will grow anywhere. without much difference. and freshbaked u r gettin boned. up the ass. hate to break it to ya, u only think ur gettin chronik mahhfucka!
back2this... same weed and how u gonna argue prices if u grow? east coast is just full of pussies, and rich people who r gettin fucked. atleast the people on RIU. i know a couple rich idiots, but god damn i wish i knew summa these dipshits.... :peace:
Um Alright...... again you need to smoke some of that west coast shit, lighten up my friend... good weed is more prevelant on the west coast meaning grade A weed costs less on the west than grade A weed does on the east because there just isnt as much weed on the east coast, mainly because growing conditions and legalities for growers and medical conditions allowing it.... but seriously you need to take a deep breath


Well-Known Member
Um Alright...... again you need to smoke some of that west coast shit, lighten up my friend... good weed is more prevelant on the west coast meaning grade A weed costs less on the west than grade A weed does on the east because there just isnt as much weed on the east coast, mainly because growing conditions and legalities for growers and medical conditions allowing it.... but seriously you need to take a deep breath
a deep breath of some west coast herb...late


yea i'm from east coast and can never find anything like the kush i got in vagas last month. I think mabe we get some good but by the time the west sends it out here its leftovers that they dont want. we dont get nice fresh tastey bud

why do you think im growin my own?


Well-Known Member
i can get about 20 different types of superdope weed at any of the cannabis clubs in my area so if you aint got that then.......


Active Member
It doesn't matter where it is grown. there are pretty much only two factors that effect how a plant turns out, genetics and how it is grown. It goes back to nature vs. nurture, a question that can never really be fully answered. Is it all genetics or is how it is raised change it. It is obviously a little easier to answer this with plants cause cloning is a lot easier, but you still never really know.


Well-Known Member
so wut if most of the east is dumb? where i am, even tho maine aint really on the map, its too available. i could walk into a highschool and walk out with an ounce. done it b4. ima grow so ima have too much and for $0. west and east coast chronic ARE the same though. even if its hard to get for a few people in the east.
have fun not being in the superbowl. and gettin shot at over bud.
im cooolio as is.


of course if you grow it its better but in general east coast you cant just buy good shit its all brick hard or brown or bright green and falls apart because its been drying for about 2 fuckin years


Well-Known Member
thanx. dats lil wayne in the pic tho......
chill with him sometimes and steal all his girls.:mrgreen:

i wish:roll:

im still sexyer. buy me a cam and ill prove it.:mrgreen:
(still workin on the $)

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";511534]LMAO, shit, yall kno the best buds come from cali, but fuck chronic its all about that kush,[/QUOTE]

brah, that's a matter of opinion, who's growing ,seed, fertilizer, weather, indoor vs outdoor. Sure, I've seen & tasted some good pakalolo from Cali, but I've also seen straight up dog turds too!
On the other hand, my home hawaii grows great pakalolo. I'd grown for years ago on Maui. Pretty much the entire 70's. Now I'm on my first season in Puna. So far so good!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
HAWAII,,, theres no good weed ever came out of hawaii before and never will just bad weather I guess I hear it snows there a lot,, that must be it..LMAO,,MAN YOU MUST HAVE GROWN SOME DAM NICE SH1T OVER THERE HUH,,, IM GROWIN MAUI WAUI NOW,,FINGERS CROSSED A FEMALE.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
cali isnt better than florida, atl, or even boston in the summertime..... hawaii is cheating tho.:evil::peace:


Well-Known Member
I agree,,, hawaii is a ringer...............:peace:..................WHO BROUGHT IN THE RINGER...................:evil:


Well-Known Member
true,, if we get alaska,, then we hawaii.................:peace:................ this is the longest pointless thread Ive seen in a while.....lolloolololol.........:peace:...............


Well-Known Member
hawaii and alaska arnt fair game..... continental 48, or im bringin out the territories, guam, puerto rico etc.
and wait.... this aint chronic talk. chronic is the same wherever u go.