West Coast Chronic Vs East Coast Chronic???


Well-Known Member
Yup I've noticed fdd is an instigator all right. He's got me goin a few times but I learned sometime all you need is a little sense of humor. Aint that right fdd?


Well-Known Member
Cause you never know which one your talkin to.........but for the most part, people on RIU are pretty cool,,, even FDD,,, both of them.....:peace:...............


Well-Known Member
Yup I've noticed fdd is an instigator all right. He's got me goin a few times but I learned sometime all you need is a little sense of humor. Aint that right fdd?

i didn't start the thread, i'm just keepin' it rollin'. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

i think it's hilarious that people would get MAD because the west coast is better. :neutral: just move. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah,, I was thinking of trading sides for a while to see how it goes,, as I am originally from the east coast,, you know that whole giants thing and all that.


Well-Known Member
lol. :eyesmoke: maybe i don't want to move. If I moved before the season is over I'd have to grow on the west coast and then I wouldn't be able to say my east coast is better. lol

wait, both of them? are those both your names or is fdd and a different one yours ... oh boy i'm confused lol too much wake n bakin this mornin for this guy :bigjoint:


New Member
WOW people getting banned over this. I always thought west coast was better but then I grew my own. I grow shit just as good as the west coast people do. I am not a fan of outdoor pot. the thing is in cali there are alot more people growing and alot more choice. The best is a mix of both. I usually keep 1-3 flavors of cali weed on hand for personal. But it cost 65 an 1/8 in South Carolina


Well-Known Member
that is one nice avatar you got there,, dam nice........
WOW people getting banned over this. I always thought west coast was better but then I grew my own. I grow shit just as good as the west coast people do. I am not a fan of outdoor pot. the thing is in cali there are alot more people growing and alot more choice. The best is a mix of both. I usually keep 1-3 flavors of cali weed on hand for personal. But it cost 65 an 1/8 in South Carolina


Well-Known Member
lol. i finally got it now fdd. that's what i thought originally but then sometime awhile back the two names said something completely different from one another and you just got me plain confused for a little while.


Well-Known Member
in all honesty.......i've never been to the east coast but once back in '84. we got some smoke down at time square. we got baked.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait till this season. BTW, nice plants fdd. I hate being the east coast guy to put all you cali boys to shame this summer......but.......lol.


Well-Known Member
any (northern) west coast first timers planning on gorwing 3-10 plants??? im in, just pm me if u want ur ass kicked, hopefully. :peace:


Active Member
the best is by far here in fort collins colorado thats a fact check high times and canabis cup new see for your self al the winers come some how from colorado