wet grass smell. stems not snaping


Well-Known Member
i cut my plants down about a month ago due to them drying out and all the leaves shriveled up. now they still have that wet grass smell and the stems are still bending instead of snapping. i have them in jars with the lids off to allow moisture to evaporate and the grass smell to go away but they dont seem to be doing anything at all. they have been like this for what seems to be forever. What am i doing wrong and how do i fix it? i dont want to have to throw out 3 1/4 oz of product.20130922_065644.jpg20130922_065652.jpg20130922_065741.jpg20130922_065857.jpg20130922_065906.jpg20130922_065911.jpg20130922_065915.jpg

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
Did you let them dry some before putting them in jars? Are you opening that jars once or twice a day for 5-15 minutes? What is the temp. and the RH in the area you are drying in? Are you drying them in a dark area?


Well-Known Member
dude just chalk this up to trial and error, I would suggest looking into a thread here on ice hash or qwiso if your into that because just because its not sexy to the nostrils dosnt mean you don't have viable product to enjoy. It may be a good idea to try and save what you can by making some nice hash just my opinion. Lots of good drying curing threads here at riu with shitloads of good info. You made the first step to understanding what may or maynot have gone wrong, and learning more by asking experienced folks here for input. :joint: enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you didn't dry them long enough or under the right conditions maybe. Read up on how to check them and what good drying conditions actually are. Learn from this and you won't get the cart ahead of the ass again. Hope you can save your weed !!


Well-Known Member
DONT throw that away. If you dont want it, I'm sure you could find someone to take it off your hands. You could make a nice piece of QWISO with 3.75oz of bud.

If its not dry in a month, you're environment is way too humid/cold or you are creating a humid environment by stacking all the buds in a pile in the jar. If you jarred them before they were dry, you were just trapping moisture in. "Burping" the jars is to release tiny amounts of moisture found in dry bud and to replace the oxygen in the jar. Its not to dry bud. Even with the lid off, you are creating a barrier keeping moisture in with the bud on the top.

Dump them on a screen in a single layer. Make sure air can flow under and over the screen. Leave them out for a week in a ventilated area with no direct air blowing on them. Temps should be comfortable, mid 70's temp and mid 60's humidity. The grass smell should dissipate as the chlorophyl dries out. Once they are truly dry, you can jar them and attempt a cure.

I would be wary of mold at this point. All the more reason to make a concentrate.


Active Member
ewww. . .that looks. . .just ewwww. or ewe whatever youre into.

sounds like you need to lower your humidity. lots of options for that, but you need to.


Active Member
see all those hairs...first problem was your harvested immature bud, then you didnt dry/cure properly


Well-Known Member
i had no choice but to harvest. i got sick and was in the hospital for over a week with noone watering them. i had cut the whole plant down and hung upside down in my grow closet with the door cracked and a small fan blowing the stale air out. After what i thought was an appropriate time i trimmed them down and jarred them up. i am burping twice a day for about 10-15 mins at a time. Some of them are nice and hard like they should be and are starting to smell ok but majority of them still smell like grass. Im gonna try dryin them inside my oven with the pilot light only and the door cracked open with a towel. This is my first time growing and i did it on a poor mans budget with CFL bulbs and natural sunlight from my window. Im gonna look into gettin a T5 which an experienced grower friend of mine recommended. And he always has some of the finest buds ive ever smoked. how long does it usually take to dry out and cure? can anyone tell me that


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert (on curing) but that bud looks like it is only going to get so good of a smell. You've been given some good into, seems like it being in a pile is a big problem, as well as probably the humidity of where you are trying to dry it. But in one of those pics, the bud looks straight brown (might just be the lighting on that one) and you mentioned the leaves shriveling. So maybe the plant drying out before it was chopped down kept it from reaching its full potential. Learn from your mistakes, and don't give up. Next time you'll have a better idea what to expect. Good luck bro