
Hey everyone, this place seems to be an awesome community, and I've been trying to get into another online board just for old times sake.

College student with a graphic design major. I live in San Francisco, originally from Redondo beach. I like good discussions, my new ROOR (first bong ever owned), and being fun (online and in real life :clap:)

See you guys on the boards


Well-Known Member
huh? oh, ohhhhh... alright. Welcome.. since nobody else has the manners to say it.

will warn ya, as with any cannabis forums.. there are quite a few young ones around here.. they're fairly easy to pinpoint though.

Other than that.. Welcome to RIU bro.



Well-Known Member
Love the user name... I'm smokin some northern lights as I read this! RooRs are awesome! Welcome to RIU :weed: