What 600 watt NH Hood with this room and 2-4 plants?


I am going to post a build journal with pics

Room size is 8 ft x 3 ft x 3.5 ft closet

Would Pay a little more for Quality Stuff (less hum, less bulb / ballast failure, better light spectrum)

What 600 watt NH Hood should I get for this size room and most likely 1 or two plants??

I want to stay with 6 inch ducts

I was looking at some setups people here mention like Apollo
LOOK HERE www.apollohorticulture.com/categories/reflectors_34.html

Some people say HydroFarm is the way to go
MORE HERE (www.hydrofarm.com)

I know I like the idea of a digital ballast that does both MH and HPS

should I get the air cooled reflector that also has the glass panel and air cooled tube, or just the one with the air cooled tube, Should I get the Phresh Filter or is there a cheaper one that will be just as good?
Anyone got any 600 watt light recommendations ?


Active Member
Yeah, I'd definitly get a digital ballast with mh and hps. I've read good things about Apollo. For that size space though, unless you plan to grow really tall plants or you will be increasing your grow space in the future I would go with a 400w. A little cheaper to buy, a little cheaper to run, and a little less heat, with no less benifit to your plants. Here's a link for you. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Apollo-400w-600w-1000w-Watt-MH-HPS-Grow-Light-Air-Cool-Tube-Hood-Reflector-Set-/190792079234?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item2c6c181782
$177.75/400w $213.75/600w

This is the cheapest carbon filter I've seen and will definitly do the job for you.http://www.ebay.com/itm/Carbon-Filter-4-x-8-hydroponic-air-filter-odor-control-scrubber-/190794865292?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c6c429a8c
Hope this was helpful. Good luck and Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
you might watch what ballast you buy, some throw off radio interference like mad and ARE detectable , especially when they fuck with the neighborhoods cable.
Internally rf shielded is what you want, to name a couple solistek and hydrofarm phantom.


dbkick, that is Exactly what I am talking about, I have Ham radio gear and scanners, and would HATE any RF trouble, that's why I Would Pay a little more for Quality Stuff (less hum, less bulb / ballast failure, better light spectrum)

I saw a closet grow that was only about 5ft tall using a 600 watt MH
I was originally going to go with a 400 watt but everyone says get the 600 and if you have to run it at 75%
Others say I will do better with the 600 watt

Can you recommend a Hood type based on 8 ft x 3 ft x 3.5 ft closet size room and most likely 1 or 2 plants??
(If you think 8ft is too tall I can box off some room at the top or bottom for mechanics)

For example, HydroFarm has all of these type of reflectors : http://www.hydrofarm.com/catalog.php?category=18

I want the best one for a 3 ft x 3.5 ft size room

I think I want to stay with 6 inch ducts, I have A/C and plenty of air in a room below the grow room

Going to rent a hole boring machine to cut 2 holes in the cement floor, the closet is on the "outside wall" of my condo so the only way to get air in and out is through the floor (concrete floor) I am starting the build tonight, 1st step remove the wood flooring 2nd step Spackle and caulk all the seams in the closet to make it airtight

Thanks raven, Apollo is one on my list, wonder if it is RF shielded?

Thanks all !


Active Member
Yes, Apollo is RF shielded. My 400w is from Growace.com and although it's a non-brand name, it is RF shielded along with the standard UL and CE safty regulations as well. Had it about a year with no problems. I was just pointing out you don't really need a 600w, but if thats what you want, then buy it. As you said, you could always run it at a lower setting. I know I will not be increasing my grow space ever and cost was a concern of mine. From that hydrofarm link, the 6" cool tube or 6" ac reflector get my vote. Good luck with the construction work.
Happy Growing.