What a bunch of "#4&*^&% you guys are.........


Hey-thank you for seeing past my frustration and temper. I admit I acted like an ass, I should read more of the rules and the FAQ but it's hard for me to find my way around. I will try to learn, listen and grow up. Again folks, I'm sorry.


Active Member
I am also new at this, and before I started I checked out books, videos, and roamed through the RIU threads. There is nothing like hands on experience and when I actually started to grow the "homework" that I did helped a lot. The advice and questions on this website put it all together for me. I see some newbies (kids, sorry but you can tell) who want someone to walk them through every step and they haven't done any research on their own. If you have access to a computer you can Google and search to get all the "basic" info you need. There will be questions that you want answers to from someone who has been there and done that, which makes this site so helpful. The same questions will always keep coming up because new people are coming on board all of the time. :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Robert- Thank you for being so patient with me yesterday-I'm new and don't know all the rules or FAQ and I am still trying to find my way around the site....I am not computer aware. But really, thank you for not just telling me off and for giving me another chance to become a positive member of RIU. Thanks for the lighting link......so so much to learn, my heads swimming.


Well-Known Member
seems like only noobs help other noobs. trail and error
im a noob that asked many many many stupid questions. but like we say on the islands, stupid questions get stupid answers. sad but true


Hey Thank You 999!

Sorry about being such a pussy yesterday, I really feel embarassed about how childish I acted over one persons negitive comment. It is so cool to see people looking past my anger and reaching out to me dispite my tantrum. I got alot of positive advice and help in the end. I went to FAQ but it didn't shed any light on what I'm trying to do......

My ??? is.......at the end of April/begining of May I want to buy clones and bush them up indoors under some T5 lighting for 18 hrs and nutrients. How do I transition from 18hr artificial light to 12hr daylight without forcing it to flower? I appriciate you taking time to reply, it was pretty cool of you.


Well-Known Member
Hey Thank You 999!

Sorry about being such a pussy yesterday, I really feel embarassed about how childish I acted over one persons negitive comment. It is so cool to see people looking past my anger and reaching out to me dispite my tantrum. I got alot of positive advice and help in the end. I went to FAQ but it didn't shed any light on what I'm trying to do......

My ??? is.......at the end of April/begining of May I want to buy clones and bush them up indoors under some T5 lighting for 18 hrs and nutrients. How do I transition from 18hr artificial light to 12hr daylight without forcing it to flower? I appriciate you taking time to reply, it was pretty cool of you.
answered in PM but for others that are wanting to grow outdoors the definitive guide is the farmers almanac, they will give planting times for the US only, farmers have used this for years and years, since they don't list MJ we go by the dates for tomatoes :)

http://www.almanac.com/gardening/planting-dates/CO/Steamboat Springs


Well-Known Member
you can't, you have to wait till the days are long enough, anything under 16 hours of light is not safe.
anything above 14 hours is fine, 16 hours is safe

Farmers Almanac says May 3 to the 16th for my area in CO (your area may differ) so if already started putting them outside after the 16th would be just fine as the almanac dates take sprouting time into consideration


Well-Known Member
Next time i need advice i'll go somewhere else rather then have some arrogant fuck tell me with smugness that i'm wasting everyones time by asking novice questions!!!!!!!!so very sorry to trouble you all.
I agree that some of the people here are very critical. Not gonna scare me away though. I'm the devil.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
14-16 hrs is a grey area. Alot depends on strain, maturity, climate ect....
exactly, there's strains that finish in early September in Canada, they'd have to have started blooming in the middle of July. Our days are much longer up here BTW.


Active Member
What I do on other forums when people ask questions that have been answered a million times is usually just link them to the place with the answer. But for some reason the search function here kinda blows and rarely brings up what Im looking for. What was your question kitt
I thought it was just me, but I've always had a little bitodificulty using the search function.


Well-Known Member
Well i would of helped if i seen it, but since you being a prick go fuck yourself. Bye bye.

I second that.. maybe you should just chill out man.. before going off the handle with everyone. I too, didn't even know you were needing help. Next time, before you decide to wig out on everyone, take a minute.. take a BIG deep breath in through your nose.. hold for 10 to 20 seconds.. and release slowly... and then maybe look for someone with experience on here.. and very politely ask them for help. Being polite and civil and mature and honest.. goes a long ways.. especially with me.

Its all good man.. you just seem to be having a terrible day. We all have them from time to time.. and if anyone says that they never have any bad days.. they're lying... period. ;)

peace everyone.


Well-Known Member
Denver puts you around 40+ lat. So by the middle of May you have plenty of sunlight to veg outdoors. Frost and late spring storms would be a bigger consideration too me how early to put them out.....