What a dumb f@#k


Well-Known Member
ive read 5 miles and 1 mile or 1000 feet or whatever but if you think about it the pollen is sperm and the bud hairs are pussy and if the sperm makes in the pussy then you gonna have a baby, i think its unlikely to get pollenated from like a mile away but completely possible,just seems unlikely but if you got some dumby growing males on the other side of a 6 foot fence like 50 feet away like i might ill be fucked


Well-Known Member
I agree males suck. If I would grow a pollinated female, it would be only one female enclosed in a separate grow chamber FAR away from beautiful sensimilla girls. One pollinated female would produce over 80 seeds. If you ask me thats enough for three years worth of continuos growth; with one pollinated female.


Well-Known Member
ill most likely have to hop the fence and sneak into my neighbors yard at night with a flash light to sex up his plants for him if he does any cuz ive seen him before growing males b4 with females.

hes smart enough to get rid of them but i think he leaves them around way to long cuz some people just dont have that keen eye for early sexing .

llike a month ago i had some baby seedlings and he thought a male was a female lol hahah hah and hes over twice my age and been growing longer than i been alive