what a resiliant Fu***in plant, lol


Well-Known Member
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lol, so this plant has been put through hellll!!!! father in law took way way to long to transplant, when it was finally dug up, a shit load of roots got broke off and this thing wilted up sooo bad i thought their was no way it hell this thing is gonna live..but i played doc, brought it home and put it inside under 600w hps with some fox farm nuts, every thing started to look better when out of nowhere in the soil was these tiney lil white bugs..did some research found out they were symhilids, a lil white devil that feeds on ur plants roots, these lil fucks did one hell of a job fucking up this plant as well, so befor it got bug's on all my other babies i took that bitch out side and as i was transplanting it i droped the bitch like a douch, put a huge kink in the main stem, bent it at a 90 degree angel, almost complete off, well finally got this beat up lil abused plant in the ground with more root damage because of the fall,..it just rolled out of the pot on the ground...so now im just like, if this bitch lives i will be in shock...and low and behold this bitch is coming back to life...hahahaha....some people cant get past germinating, and this bitch wont die....i havent even been taking care of it, i just threw it in the ground and left her to die...soo...this is one strong strong bagweed plant..maybe it will grow up to be a female and i will take some clones from it and have a plant that really really hard to kill.......

so what do u guys think of all this shit i put her through????


Well-Known Member
Tough bastards, aren't they?LOL

If it does turn out to be female, I wouldn't clone it if I were you, unless you're just screwin' around. That thing has been through so much stress already, that if it doesn't hermie on ya this first run, the clones might. The clones might have strange mutations, too. All that stress stays with the plant, imprinted on it's genetics, for the rest of it's(and it's clones) life, so it wouldn't be a good mother plant, even though she'd be a tough bitch. :lol:


My plant is like that (maybe a little less lol). Been nute burned constantly since day 1, so bad that ALL the fan leaves turned yellow and fell off (thanks miracle grow soil!). And now it's a week away from harvest :D


Well-Known Member
Tough bastards, aren't they?LOL

If it does turn out to be female, I wouldn't clone it if I were you, unless you're just screwin' around. That thing has been through so much stress already, that if it doesn't hermie on ya this first run, the clones might. The clones might have strange mutations, too. All that stress stays with the plant, imprinted on it's genetics, for the rest of it's(and it's clones) life, so it wouldn't be a good mother plant, even though she'd be a tough bitch. :lol:
well we will see when i smoke it...if its a female