Well-Known Member
Dude, well im trying everything i can to contact the reps here in the state so they can vote for a MMJ bill this september...
One congressasshole told me that "i against any effort for legalizing MMJ as it Might lead to use of harder drugs."
he says he cares for the health and well being for all citizens of the state...
Really? I am going to send him an email where i will be calling his logical reasoning and ethical values to question...
He is a hypocrite because he is not considering any cancer and other terminal diseased patient. he does not care about their well being because he is denying them the right to enjoy their short remaining time on earth... Also, i think that with what he says, he is cool with alcohol being legal and all the deaths related to alcohol.. He also disregarded this if you ask me...
Please, anyone else out there willing to help me get to this douche bag of a congressassholemen, thanks

One congressasshole told me that "i against any effort for legalizing MMJ as it Might lead to use of harder drugs."
he says he cares for the health and well being for all citizens of the state...
Really? I am going to send him an email where i will be calling his logical reasoning and ethical values to question...
He is a hypocrite because he is not considering any cancer and other terminal diseased patient. he does not care about their well being because he is denying them the right to enjoy their short remaining time on earth... Also, i think that with what he says, he is cool with alcohol being legal and all the deaths related to alcohol.. He also disregarded this if you ask me...
Please, anyone else out there willing to help me get to this douche bag of a congressassholemen, thanks