what about the moon?


so ive read 10 different forums about not going into your enclosure during dark cycle. i just have one question...what about the moon? ive never grown outdoors but i would guess the moon would hinder flowering if its true light during dark is bad. i guess im just stoned and really wanna check on my girl. i got home too late to see her and i always research before any decision. according to the net i have to wait til morning. :-(
somebody please tell me different!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I think that is a valid point...I think if you had a super dim like 15w bulb across the room that was vaguely mooney it would be fine...Really I don't think peeking in makes too much of a difference, I have peeked all along, or if there is some decrease in yield because 2 or 3 times I looked after dark it is worth it to look when I really want or need to...


Well-Known Member
Moonlight is a different light spectrum than daylight, which doesn't affect your plants in the same way. Find a low powered light with the same spectrum as moonlight, and you should be good. Otherwise don't go in unless you wanna fuck shit up. Some say a green light will work too since the plants just reflect green.


Active Member
If you really want to see your ladies, get a green light bulb. You can get a "party bulb" at Walmart for like cheap. Let them be :) They're just fine. You're just a concerned papa!


Well-Known Member
i had a bad experience peeking at my last grow.. 4 months for a oz and a half of shit. but maybe it was just the plant.


thanks fellas, i waited til morning just to be safe. and this morning i saw what ive been waiting a week to see! a calyx on all nodes except the ones hidden from the light!! and this is one of the bagseeds that had purple all through the buds! found 3 seeds, one didnt pop, one was a male, and this one is a girl! time to take a few cuttings and get ready to smoke some purp!


moonlight is reflected sunlight. it has an average color temperature of 4100-4300k so your're trying to tell me i can use a cool white fluoro bulb and go into my enclosure? im pretty sure that would have harsh side effects.


Well-Known Member
Re "marijuana botany", R.C.Clarke

The light from a bright full moon can slow or stop flowering for that night.

But, just one full moon a month, more or less.



Well-Known Member
lol comon man its not worth takin that risk flowering outside takes forever probably coz of that reason soundin like ur 9 years old stoned out ya head hahaha


Active Member
Smart phone with a flashlight ap set to green. Peek till your hearts content. Another reason the moon doesn't affect plants severely is the lumens.


im just going to move my cycle an hour ahead so ill definetly be able to get in there everyday. thanks everybody for the input!!
Personally I dont see how a little light is gonna effect anything, after all it does happen in nature... Peoples security lights, car lights, the moon etc.


Active Member
A little light wont hurt the plants unless your plant is susceptible to hermie. What fucks them up is going from off to on mode back to off mode.

When the lights go off the leaves sag down, you dont normally see this cause your not in your grow room with lights off! When the lights go on the leaves point upwards towards the light. If enough light hits the plant long enough to to "activate" it then it will start to think its day time and work in that way. As soon as you turn your lights off again your plant goes WTF mate and thats what stresses the plant.

Green light is the best way to see your plants during lights off. Other than that a dim non-direct light shouldnt hurt them too much as long as its consistent i.e. like moonlight. Although even dim non-direct light can be an issue if its going on and off all the time.


Well-Known Member
moonlight is reflected sunlight yes, so very diffused and weak.

plus there are clouds plus the moon only monthly full.


The moon is a part of the world. It is the best source to get lights in the night time. It get energy from solar light which make it more shiny.


Well-Known Member
IMO people worry about this issue of stray light during flowering WAY more than they ought to.

Obviously cannabis plants normally flower fine just outdoors where they naturally get exposed to moonlight on most nights. Yes, full moon night is a bit brighter, but its not the only day of the month where there is moonlight!

No, of course you don't want to run your grow lights during the dark period if you can help it, but I can say from experience that its actually quite difficult to make a plant that's well into flowering revert to vegetative growth. You sure as hell are NOT going to do that with just a minute or two of ordinary room light, let alone a few minutes of "safe" light, like a green light, etc. That's even more true if the light exposure occurs during the very beginning or end of the 12-12 cycle, so that the plant still gets multiple consecutive hours of darkness.

On hermies, yes, stress will play a role there, including light stress, but again, IMO that's mostly genetics.

There are plenty of stable strains that won't make hermaprhrodite flowers virtually no matter what you do to them.