what age you think or feel is old?

when are you officially old

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No on adopting. I'd like to try with my current again. But so many variables. With her medicine and other shit
Gotta be REALLY careful with meds and pregnancy.

Adoption is a great option. There are so many beautiful babies in the world that need a home.

Or surrogacy, if she can't.

There are options. Don't loose hope.

It be interesting to get some older dudes to chime in on this. I always appreciate anything older wiser people say

Hey I'm older and wiser than you. Listen up mister...
I dont think the old are even wise in certain cases. When you are past 70 your brain deteriorates just like anything else.
I think old is whatever age you are when you realize and accept
"I shall just sit here until life runs out."
When your previously able body no longer does what you require to stay fit mentally and physically.

"He dead!"
It be interesting to get some older dudes to chime in on this. I always appreciate anything older wiser people say
I'm 65 and feel it, mentally around 30. Prolly around 55 was when I really noticed it physically. I'm in fairly good shape, have a farm and do alot of physical work even now. It was brought home in this story: I was maybe 56-57 at the grocery store in the check out line. The checker was a young hottie and was getting badgered by a young guy who was failing in his flirtation. The gal was really pissed off. He leaves and the gal and the next 2 women in line are rehashing it and bitching about men and what pigs they are. I'm thinking she will either give me shit or totally ignore me when I get there. My turn and she is so sweet, Hello sir, yes sir can I help you with anything sir. Lesson was that she didn't view me as any kind of sexual being whatsoever.
I'm 65 and feel it, mentally around 30. Prolly around 55 was when I really noticed it physically. I'm in fairly good shape, have a farm and do alot of physical work even now. It was brought home in this story: I was maybe 56-57 at the grocery store in the check out line. The checker was a young hottie and was getting badgered by a young guy who was failing in his flirtation. The gal was really pissed off. He leaves and the gal and the next 2 women in line are rehashing it and bitching about men and what pigs they are. I'm thinking she will either give me shit or totally ignore me when I get there. My turn and she is so sweet, Hello sir, yes sir can I help you with anything sir. Lesson was that she didn't view me as any kind of sexual being whatsoever.

Ouch. :-|