Hey your doing great from what ive seen so far with the cfl's try and get a third bulb to even out the light distribution on the plant and try not to use house hold products such as the one that your friend recomended, they usually tend to shift the ph to a much more basic reading causing the plants food intake to suffer, another thing is if the room has a propper ventilation area it would help to circulate the air needed for the plant to breath, so in other words avoid spraying any moisture on the leaves, they need to breath, they do that through they're fan leaves which are the ones your moisturing, yeah so try to limit the water because your plant will tell you when you need to water it, since your doing a soil based grow its much easier to tell when it needs water monitor the soil top and wait for it to get crusty this is usually around the time it needs water, after it gets about 3-4 weeks in it will be approaching its mature veg state so get a root booster for it and water every other day with it for a little hardenin on the stem which helps for a larger support and more distinct main stem, so over all
-get fans for air circulation
-less water in soil and no water or house hold nutes for the plant on the leaves
-one more light since your using cfl's
-and other than that nice plant man