What am I doing Wrong???PICS included


Well-Known Member
Hey Chad,

Well this one is easy..... You are overwatering. I can tell by a couple ways. First your bottom leafs are falling off. Secondly all the leafs are curling inward, they do this in effort to create as much surface area as possible to allow the stomata to expell excess water. I would bet that your plant looks "thirsty" alot, therefore you water it. A plant being overwatered shows very similar symptoms as a underwatered plant.

With that said unless you bought the "organic" kind, M.G. soil is not good for ganja. It has harsh synthetic nutes. Also you will need ALOT more light. If you want to stay with CFL, Home Depot sells a 300w equivelant bulb (basically a spiral T5) for $9, Install alot more light! Finally you NEED to install a fan in there. Intake and outtake with PC fans would help alot to. A fan blowing indirectly in there would force the plant to loose water at a more rapid, but safe pace. I assume this is your first grow. I would personally recommend Jorge Cervantes "Marijuana Horticulture: Indoor and Outdoor Medical Growers Bible." Im not advertising for it, just recommending it. Full color, and goes into great detail the basics you should know. Also check out the GrowFAQs, there is a link at the top for it labeled "FAQ."

Good luck, take my advice and it will do alot better. Your container size is perfect for the life of the grow.

PS if it were nute burn you leafs would all be rusty and crispy, not yellow. Also once you get the overwatering taken care of add some Fish emulsion (pure Nitrogen 5-1-1) to your water to help stop that yellowing. Good Luck!


Active Member
Thanks for the advise I just transplanted her into a 5 gal bucket with plenty of holes for drainage. I'll easy up on the watering and see if that helps. I have 4 of the 26watt cfl ( equal to 100 Watts) and one 28in Fl strip. ( They all are 6500K lights now and she's 1 month old. when should I start adding a mild solution of nuties?


Active Member
I forgot I also have a 6 in fan bringing in air at the bottom and pushing it out at the top through a carbon filter. The temp stays between 75 at night and 86 when the lights are on. The lights are on a timer for 18/6 cycle. Thanks again for the quick posts


Well-Known Member
The only solution of nutes you should concern yourself with at this stage is fish emulsion (5-1-1). During the vegitative stage the plant uses ALOT of Nitrogen to grow. Once the transition to flowering comes, then worry about the other two nutes ( ex. 1-5-5).


Active Member
You said That 4 26watt cfls is not enough for one plant in a medium size box. I have read that four 100w equiv. would be better that two 300 watt ones. because the lights need to be close to the plant. what would be better???



Active Member
Good info Bless America.. I was just wondering what you mean by 5-1-1 for the Fish Emulsion (sorry for the noob question)


Active Member
from what i hear but i'm only new at this but it looks like you are putting to much fertilizer and may need to flood all of it out.


Well-Known Member
do NOT flush, that's not nute burn :\ your plant is suffering from overwatering and if you flush, she (well, hopefully she) will only stress more. I learned this the hard way :\

Fish Emulsion is an organic fert usually 5-1-1.. you can get it at home depot in the garden center. 5-1-1 are the three numbers on most fertilizer's bottles. This is your NPK ratio. Nitrogen-Phosporous-Potash (potassium).


Well-Known Member
That one's alright.. but my suggestion would still be spend 5 bucks, hit home depot, get Schultz fish emulsion (or any that is naer 5-1-1). the one you have wont HURT but it wont be the best.


Well-Known Member
dont flood it (flush it) because your plants are already over watered... just make sure that before you do water you stick ur finger about 1-2 inches into the soil and if THEN it feels dry its time to water... but just coz the top of your soil has dryed or 'crusted' doesnt mean its time to water :)


Active Member
I forgot I also have a 6 in fan bringing in air at the bottom and pushing it out at the top through a carbon filter. The temp stays between 75 at night and 86 when the lights are on. The lights are on a timer for 18/6 cycle. Thanks again for the quick posts

I noticed you stated the temp is 75 at night and 86 during lights on. You should aim to have your temperature at about 75 the whole time... Going above the temp of 85F can heat stress your plant and result in sex dysfunction.


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys! I haven't watered her in a few days and Damn if she hasn't taken off. I' think I should wait a few more days brefore adding any fert. because I used mirical grow potting soil ( I know now not too). My question still stands about how much light is needed I have read the FAQs and have 4 26watt cfl 6500k lights on one lady. Its all in a 18in X18in x 48in talll box. Should I add two more? I'm afraid that it will get too hot in the box!!!


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys! I haven't watered her in a few days and Damn if she hasn't taken off. I' think I should wait a few more days brefore adding any fert. because I used mirical grow potting soil ( I know now not too). My question still stands about how much light is needed I have read the FAQs and have 4 26watt cfl 6500k lights on one lady. Its all in a 18in X18in x 48in talll box. Should I add two more? I'm afraid that it will get too hot in the box!!!
I think most will agree with me. The more light you can get in there the better.

So long as it doesn't compromise your heat like you say. If it does look at ways to cool the area its all about the balance you try to create.

At least you didnt just throw them in and think it will be ok.