What am I doing wrong? **Pics included**


Active Member
Hey, I'm a few weeks into growing and both my plants are getting a little yellow with the tips drying out a bit. I'm watering whenever the soil dries up (about every 2 days) and am keeping my light about 2-3 inches from the top of the plants. I have a reflector and the light i'm using is this one: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&productId=100676712&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&keyword=599 031

I'm using scotts potting soil and no additional nutes or anything. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? Thank in advance.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
May be overwatering if your soil was really drying every 2 days it's usually about time to repot. Your soil has nutrients added I think so everytime you water they get nutrients too.


Well-Known Member
Your scotts soil and most commercial brands contain enough nutes to slightly burn the plants especially during the first few weeks. Most of which are time released nutes....that means, when you water, it releases nutes. Watering every 2 days could be part of the problem. I would also recommend you PH your water to 6.5 and ensure its bubbled or sits out for 24-48 hours to let the chlorine dissipate.


Active Member
Thanks for the help everyone.

The PH of my water was about 7.5 so I added some lemon juice to it. Now its about 6.5. I've also been using bottled water so that I don't have to worry about boiling it or anything. I will water every 3 days now, although I just checked today (2 days since watering) and my moisture meter says its dry. It might not be working though. The temperatures were about the same as room temperature, I have one intake fan, but I added two additional 1750 lumen lights today so that might go up.

I have a few more questions:
1) is lemon juice a good way to regulate ph? I added a few drops but i hope that doesnt kill my plants or anything.
2) What is a good way to keep temps down in a closet?


Active Member
idk wht nutes? wht npk ratio? when last watering? ph? i need to know man so i can diagnois you.
I havn't been using any additional nutes other than those in my soil.
-Im using Scotts potting soil which is 7-1-3
-I watered last on friday march 5th but usually water every two days. The pictures were taken immediately after wattering.
-PH was about 7.5 since I bought the clones and took the picture. I adjusted the water to 6.5 today though


Active Member
Also i just noticed my stems are really purple (even on an otherwise healthy looking 1 week old plant). from what ive read that seems like a nute defficiency but if thats the case how am i getting nute burn? can purple stems be nute burn?