what am i doing wrong?


okay my seedling has been "growing" for about 6 days now, its only an inch big with its set of round leaves and also one set of serrated. for the last couple days all thats been happening is the serrated set has just been growing VERY slowly:sad:

i have it under

4 13w 4100k CFL's (880 Lumens)
1 15w 5000k full spectrum daylight fluorescent tube.

i water once the soil is dry and have them under 18/6 light cycle?

my only guess is that my potting soil was just some regular sterilized shit from the local nursery, could that be whats slowing it down? or do i need more light?

any ideas?

ma jigga

Well-Known Member
Same thing my seedlings have been doing. Mine are at day 6 as well and are just about the same height with slow growth. I'm just letting it go on it's own. About your lights... you're better off with a higher number of cfl's rated over 5000k. That ratio should be opposite. But that's just my 2cents.

I'm thinking it could be a temperature issue with me as my room cools down to 60 degrees overnight.


i was thinking that maybe i should add some nutes, just because the stuff i bought is just regular potting soil with no nutes added, would that be enough supplement for the young plant?


Well-Known Member
I don't nute any seedlings before 10-14 days old and then only if healthy....you should make sure temps, ventilation is correct....don't water till pot is almost entirely dry....

ma jigga

Well-Known Member
i was thinking that maybe i should add some nutes, just because the stuff i bought is just regular potting soil with no nutes added, would that be enough supplement for the young plant?
You really don't need nutes for about 2 weeks. I'm going to try and increase humidity to the seedlings by taking a water bottle, cutting it in half and placing the bottom part over the plant. Last time I did this, the seedlings picked up quick. Make sure to add like 4 holes to the water bottle for air exchange if you're going to do this.


Well-Known Member
You need to give it some time man!There only 6 days old and are still formimg there root system.I'm assumig that you started them from seeds correct???.For your lights.You may want to invest in some T-5s flourences.They work great and produce about 2300 lumens for a 2ft light. Good luck


Well-Known Member
i have it under

4 13w 4100k CFL's (880 Lumens)
1 15w 5000k full spectrum daylight fluorescent tube.
These lights are no good get 6500 K Daylight Cfls accept no substitutes, 23 watt would be even better after a week or so. The bulb needs to be no further than an inch away and have a reflector behind it.

I believe patience is a virtue here... Give them time,seeing as they are first going to focus on growing a few small roots, then they will begin vertical growth, otherwise when the energy runs out of the cotyledon leaves, there would be no way for the plant to get nutes and water. So the lag is just the plant focusing its growth elsewhere atm :)


okay i put a towel over the top (aquarium) and i put a wet cloth inside and it has dramatically increased the humidity, from 25 to 55%
the temp is at 30 celcius so im gonna leave it like that and hopefully get better results


Well-Known Member
6 days...how much do u want them to grow. they r not growing an inch or more a day until WEEKS into veg. leave the poor thing be & do NOT give nutes before 3 weeks, don't need them.


Active Member
hello, congrats first of all on starting your first seed !! there are some things i do a little bit different and it seems to have worked out well for me, im no pro but just some things ive learned on here and from doing some myself. first id change your lights on 24/0 all day all night at this stage, for probably the first week depending on how the plant is gorwing and looking and you want high humidity, keep your little baby warm, and wet, the only water its getting at first is through the leaves because there isnt very many roots, so keep the leaves wet, get a spray bottle. and i personally dont use nutes until about 2 weeks also depending on growth/ health. give it time, its only 6 days old, and your lights will work for the first week or so but you deff need bigger lights for vegging and flower. i have (2) 70w MH's and (2) 4100k 18w coolwhite flourescents just for my starts, and id use the same if i was starting from seeds too. good luck and have fun.


Well-Known Member
Yep higher kelvins would be good, but your plant is doing fine. In a day or two you'll see a couple tiny leaves peeeeekin' out. After a couple weeks it will speed up and as stated no need for food for a cpl weeks at least. I hope its a girl!