What am I doing wrong?


New Member

This is my very first time growing. I planted 4 seedlings but to tell you the truth I have no idea if even there is something wrong, that's how new to this I am. I know most of you guys have been doing this for a while and any feedback will be appreciated. I noticed one of the four is growing really slow and the other three look fine to me, but I see yellowing in the lower leaves and after a couple of days those leaves die. Also , I don't know if this is normal , but some of the top leaves are pale green and dark veins. What should I do? Thanks guys

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Well-Known Member
What kind of soil is that? Does your container have holes for water to drain out of?

Also, are you feeding any nutes? What kind, and how much?


Well-Known Member
more info mate.....ph ..how much you water and how often ....nutes and how much.....tell all buddy and people can get to understand abit more :) and help


New Member
What kind of soil is that? Does your container have holes for water to drain out of?

Also, are you feeding any nutes? What kind, and how much?
Thanks for reading my post. First, to understand my position, I live in Colombia, South America and I have to grow with what I have here. I bought some dirt from a home depot equivalent store. It says in the label that this dirt is clean. I mixed it with coconut fiber for drainage. The bottom of the pots have holes in them and when I water the plants I can see the water dripping underneath the pot. I have used NPK 1-2-1 once on this plants since transplantation. I can't find those nice nutes you guys have there in Colombia


New Member
more info mate.....ph ..how much you water and how often ....nutes and how much.....tell all buddy and people can get to understand abit more :) and help
I stick my a finger in the dirt and if it is dry then I water them. I have nuted them once since I planted them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading my post. First, to understand my position, I live in Colombia, South America and I have to grow with what I have here. I bought some dirt from a home depot equivalent store. It says in the label that this dirt is clean. I mixed it with coconut fiber for drainage. The bottom of the pots have holes in them and when I water the plants I can see the water dripping underneath the pot. I have used NPK 1-2-1 once on this plants since transplantation. I can't find those nice nutes you guys have there in Colombia
do you know the ph of you soil or even your water?


New Member
do you know the ph of you soil or even your water?
No, I have no clue. I haven't been able to find a soil ph tester here. They only have ph tester for pools (water) and they are not exact. I have been using filtered water. Do you think is a PH problem? if yes Why do you think that?


Well-Known Member
No, I have no clue. I haven't been able to find a soil ph tester here. They only have ph tester for pools (water) and they are not exact. I have been using filtered water. Do you think is a PH problem? if yes Why do you think that?
nute lockout because you've fed them .....the leaves are going yellow from no food (maybe nitrogen)...but you said you've fed them so it could be lockout or root bound( but they don't look big enough).......you need to check your ph...period!!


New Member
nute lockout because you've fed them .....the leaves are going yellow from no food (maybe nitrogen)...but you said you've fed them so it could be lockout or root bound( but they don't look big enough).......you need to check your ph...period!!
thanks =)


Well-Known Member
Yea, to be honest this ones beyond me. I have never dealt directly with nutrient lockout, so I cant say for sure if its that or under feeding.

Are you treating all four plants the same? Did you feed the same nutrient, at the same mixture? If your others are doing fine (might give us some pics to look at), and you are using all the same water and nutrients, Im not sure if would point to your water or nutrients being the problem.

Is that plant closer to your lights? Whats the temperature like?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a combination of too much water and nute burn. New growers have a tendency to believe if a little bit of something helps the plant grow, adding even more of it will make the plant grow even more, which in the end kills the plant.

The dirt should be damn near bone dry before you add more water, a constant wet environment will create conditions that can induce pythium, from which there is almost never a return. You will know its pythium when the plant never recovers, grows extremely slowly, and just keeps shedding leaves as they yellow and fall off.


Well-Known Member
I let my mine dry out to the point I'm surprised how light it is then I water the hell out of it and leave it alone until it's dry again.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Use some cal mag on your next watering the vains on your plant are very dark look that up... Then buy some cal mag!