What am I missing? Organic Grow/Bloom Mix


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I've been growing organically for a few harvests now and I'm wondering if there is anything I should add to my nutrient combo here to improve my yields. A friend of mine who uses non-organic stuff, sprays his plants with all kinds of stuff as well to increase the yield. Are their organic versions of these supplementing treatments?

Grow: Floranova Grow (trying to convert to Iguana Juice grow), & Roots Excelerator

Bloom: Florvanova Bloom (also trying to conver to iguana Juice Grow), Bat Guano, Floralicious (General Hydroponics), Sensizyme (enzymes)

I also have the CO2 in the room. Is there any other type of organic nutrient or supplement I can add to my plants diet?


Active Member
you can always go with house and garden bio component a base for grow and flower and just go with seaweed sea minerals great white guano compost ground coverings earthworm castings hygrozyme or senizyme and some EN/EA the yingyang
for flower cut out seaweed sea minerals EN/EA switch up guano's and add some silica and purplemaxx iam at week 2 of flowering and its rocking


Active Member
Hi everyone, I've been growing organically for a few harvests now and I'm wondering if there is anything I should add to my nutrient combo here to improve my yields. A friend of mine who uses non-organic stuff, sprays his plants with all kinds of stuff as well to increase the yield. Are their organic versions of these supplementing treatments?

Grow: Floranova Grow (trying to convert to Iguana Juice grow), & Roots Excelerator

Bloom: Florvanova Bloom (also trying to conver to iguana Juice Grow), Bat Guano, Floralicious (General Hydroponics), Sensizyme (enzymes)

I also have the CO2 in the room. Is there any other type of organic nutrient or supplement I can add to my plants diet?

Hi all,
I use Floranova or Guanokalong part's A+B but in veg stage every days use organic foliar sprays, like:
-wet betty organic - Adv.Nut.
-bio protect - GHE
-phyt amin - Plagron
-spidermite - Growth Tech.
-neem oil - Adv.Nut.

also still the bud arrive... :)
-colossal bud blast - Adv.Nut.
-organic-B - Adv.Nut.
-epsom salt - Plagron

nothing when buds arrive.....

I mix wormcast+bat guano+perlite+coco+gooood 'light mix' soil and some clay pebbles in any pot
with my last outdoor (3xblueberry 2xcheese 1xafghan kush) and this mix gave me all the satisfaction and pleasure to taste nice flavours for months :)


trichlone fiend

New Member
...bro, I'f you want nasty yields like my pic below, start using organic teas. Very easy!
What you'll need:
Seabird guano, bat guano, earth worm castings, kelp meal (or liquid seaweed), molessas, a bubble stone and bubble pump, a paint strainer. 5 gallon bucket.
What to do:
Get a couple of gallons of water from tap....let set on bubbles over night to dechlorinize it, then pH balance the water to 6.5....take a couple tablespoons of each (worm castings, seabird, bat, kelp, molessas) and put inside paint strainer and tie shut...hang the mix over the bubble stone to make movement/activity in the water....let set for 24-48 hours....put 2 cups of this per gallon to new dechlorinized pH balanced water, then water in once weekly.

...you'll want to back up off of the earthworm castings and the seabird guano in mid flower to eliminate nitrogen avalibility.
...the molessas and liquid seaweed are liquid , however, still use table spoon measurements.
...stop giving tea @ weeks 5 for an 8 week strain, or allow a couple weeks to flush (not so important organically but, I prefer to save the $)

AN Addict 420

Active Member
Livesoul, I noticed you said you were looking into iguana juice (100% organic) over the flora nova series (half synthetic half organic) Personally I would reccomend Advance's Mother Earth Super Tea instead. It can be used as a standalone, if you buy it in a gallon size it costs roughly $50 and has double the dilution rate of Iguana Juice. Whereas 1 liter of Iguana costs about $50 as well. Essentially getting twice as much nutes as you would if buying Iguana. Mother Earth has a cleaner formulation, harder to overfeed than IJ, and very effective ingredients Iguana doesnt have. For example: MEST has chitin (ingredient in scorpion juice) which tricks the plant into thinking its under attack when it isn't. as a result the plant can highly resist stress, Less stress = faster growth & more resin. Nirvana is another Must have additive for an all organic grow, it is insanely versitile it supplies b vitamins, humic/fulvic acids, kelp and seaweed extract. it is for those reasons I got it because I didnt want to buy their entire organic schedule so I was able to substitute 4 items on the schedule with Nirvana $30 (H2,F1,Organic B, and GE Seaweed extract = Fucking Expensive) I have gotten my best results to date using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow, beneficials and Big Bloom for vegatative growth and MEST bloom in flower along with Nirvana, budcandy, Fox farm Big Bloom (organic P/K boost), and of course beneficials (this regimine works well for soil or an Ebb n Flow system). If you decide to get Iguana Juice or any other organic nutrient you should invest in some Beneficials because they have a powerful effect when used with organics. Some good ones:AN's Pirhana, AN's Terrantula, AN's Voodoo Juice or my favorite combo (cause it costs 1/4th as much) is Roots Organic's Organism XL and Botanicare's Aquashield (used to be Hydroguard). Although it doesnt say so on the bottle, Aquashield has 3 out of 6 beneficial bacteria strains found in voodoo juice but only costs $15.00/Liter or so compared to $110.00+/Liter of voodoo juice which has a 2X higher application rate than Aquashield. And the organism costs $30.00 for an 8 oz tub vs $100-120 for an equivalent size of either pirhana or Terantula. not to mention it has 25% yucca extract and 3% humic acid as well. All of the above ingredients should total to about $150.00-170.00 and thats a steal considering the kind of danks you'll be rollin out.
Good Luck