What am I?

Thanks for the "high" energy received from this post, I've started considering to drop some seeds and see how it goes because of so many people calling me "lazy"
We'll get you growing one way or another! Honestly, growing outside in the ground is pretty damn easy. Just need a ring or 2 of fence around them to keep the large and small critters from eating them. Other than that nature does a decent job of growing plants pretty damn hands off.
Someone as lazy as me you wouldnt expect to run such a big project. Its passion that drives me to do it. Well, with dtw coco all I do is PH a reservoir or fill it up and ph it.

Harvest is the biggest part but its the best part too. Heck Im not saving a fortune, its good but I see why people are shutting down.

Lazy is a weakness but my passion makes up for it when things go wrong, budrot, bugs, whatever it may be. Lots of people get lucky and never have either. Happy growing!