What are my leaves telling me? Help quick D;


Active Member

I have changed absolutely nothing. I dont feed them nutes at all because they are in fertilized soil, I only use water when feeding.

Just yesterday they were all completely fine no signs of illness.

Can anyone help identify what I need to do!


Active Member
Its a 400w Halide, its as the same length away from them as normal, I keep it at an optimum distance not to burn but to grow effectively enough. Not sure on actual length in between.

Anyone know what im doing wrong? Is that an overwatering issue?


Well-Known Member
my guess without knowing how long they have been flowering is your not doing anything wrong and they are sucking up the nutes so either your nearing harvest time and they are using the reserves up and ripening up or you need to feed them!!....also the other thing your doing wrong is using a halide for flowering...why?


Well-Known Member
Its a 400w Halide, its as the same length away from them as normal, I keep it at an optimum distance not to burn but to grow effectively enough. Not sure on actual length in between.

Anyone know what im doing wrong? Is that an overwatering issue?
1st. you need to supply more info to get a good answer otherwise guess on the chart pal. what distance is normal for you for the light as well as currently? next water cycle last 2 waterings. type soil? The leaves from the pics look like a little nut burn but that could be part of it. that would be a good guess. we dont know if you have straight poor soil without perlite causing overwater and lack of being able to dry out. things change as flower starts so more info..pls.


Active Member
I honestly dont know the distance as my setup is not ideal. The light is hanging sideways not overhead, It still works completely fine, I honestly dont see a problem with the light im using, my plant looks fucking awesome in my opinion and this is my first time.

Soil is generic store bought soil I honestly cant help you with that question, I didnt do enough research on getting ideal soil and the soil i used has no info on the internet about it at all. I know it has fertilizer in it, the amounts I have no idea and how long they release for I dont know. I water daily, they are in 8.5 L pots, I let them dry out quite alot before re-watering. I do not use nutrients at all just plain water, so I have no idea how they'd be getting nute burn at this stage. My plants do look relatively close to being ready I thought, so maybe the plants are using what resource they have left and wilting?

Also possibility is because ive been using water for so long, the ferts in the soil have been flushed and its not getting enough nitrogen. I think I will add a small amount of nutes and note what happens over the week. I think you're right about it being N


Well-Known Member
I water daily, they are in 8.5 L pots, I let them dry out quite alot before re-watering.

how many weeks are you on in flower? your lucky to get this far with bud so I praise you for that. Your statement on watering is off a lot and should be tweaked in the future for success. Watering daily and leting them dry out a lot before watering just isnt happening. Even if you water a thimble full ever day is wrong for the success of this plant. This will get you going in the right direction and I suggest you start now if you dont want root rot. Ive said it enough to cut and paste.....

You need to use the weight of the pot trick to determine when towater. When you water them pick up a full pot noting the total weight. Pick thesame pot up day 3 and 4 noting how little it weights. You know its water timewhen light. Get a good feel for this tool. Also, challenge yourself in a couplewaterings down the line to see how long you can hold out on watering before theleaves start to drop. Your goal is to water just before leaves drop. Weed/s ingeneral thrive when allowed to dry out a bit. This really is a big deal. As arule small potted plants starters in cup size or larger need watering about day3 to 5. Big pots like 2 or 3 gallons range from 4-7 days. Note how they explodein growth day 2/3 after watering this way.


Well-Known Member
you should also ph the water going into the plant 6.2-6.5. With the unknown soil I have a feeling you are having ph lockout issue and if not corrected you could loss the bud you have going. Just adding nit. isnt going to help if that the case but your half assing it thru the grown and lucky to this point. learn for the next time


Well-Known Member
If you were vegging, i would suggest more nitrogen. However, seen as the plant is flowering, this yellowness is normal.


Active Member
Potassium deficiency seems possible?
rare but totally possible, i had that years ago, i mixed up a gallon per plant 1 level teaspoon of quick lime and a heaping teaspoon of chelated iron...in a week i had recovery, i was advised to do this by a vegtable farmer i knew...it worked....the only thing i did different that crop was mix in about 25% recently used soil....ive never done that again and nor had the issue.


Active Member
Fuck I really need help now, one of my plants fan leaves are almost all dead after just the second day of noticing this.. D: I think it could be rootbound. Shitttt.


Active Member
I dont even know what I can do/care. Ill just do my best, whatever I get, Ill be happy with. The bud isnt going to be bad by any means.


Well-Known Member
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I have changed absolutely nothing. I dont feed them nutes at all because they are in fertilized soil, I only use water when feeding.

Just yesterday they were all completely fine no signs of illness.

Can anyone help identify what I need to do!
What is your soil composed of? Is it miracle grow? Soil pH? pH of the water you're giving it? How close is your light to the top of canopy? Did you use foliar sprays with lights on? Within 4 hours of them coming on with something oil-based? How is your light meter reading at canopy top? Too many damn variables, but we'll start there.
Looks like nitrogen Difficiency to me.. Try feeding them nutes even tho the soil has it.. The plants may just need more because of the buds forming