What are o.k. outdoor night temps to grow in?


yes definitley man, around 45 degrees plants start to turn purple, lower than that your getting dangerous, anything below 32 will kill a young plant and effect the buds of others, one time i let it go to long (i live in northeast usa so it gets really cold by sept) and it got down to like 20 degrees. the buds were badly frost burned, it wasnt horrible tho, still got me stoned cept didnt taste the same, that was 8 ball kush i did that with from barneys what strain do u have


Well-Known Member
be careful when you put the plants out in cold weather they love to stretch, so supercrop them once the recover from the transplant! peace.


Active Member
they are pretty hardy man, i live aroundthe ohio river valley and planted outside. three days later it snowed and mine are doing just fine even as youngins

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think some strains might weather better than others. I've seen some mature plants in the fall take a light frost and survive and some that get killed. If you think your area may still have frost consider covering the babies up if you can or even keep them in containers and don't transplant into the ground until frost danger has past. Nothing worse than losing a battle to Jack Frost. Good