What are the spots?


Well-Known Member
I already know my leaves started to burn so I backed off the lights a little and the burning hasn't progressed any. My question though is what are the white spots? Def not spider mites and they don't wipe away when rubbed. If anyone knows what it is what can I do to get rid of it. Note I've had it on all my previous grows indoors and outdoors and I eventually went away on its own, but if I can get rid of it quicker it would be much help.



Well-Known Member
That is a unique problem you have there. Please post ALL growing conditions. Room size, type of hydro, ventilation, filtration, air temps, water temps, water Ph, nutrient PPMs, type of nutes, relative humidity, etc., etc., etc. The more info you can share, the more that people in this forum can help.


Well-Known Member
Interesting opinion. I would not be relaxed if my seelings looked like that. I hope you are right. Just my honest thoughts.
A pic from my current grow when they were seedlings:

Over 3 weeks into flowering now, and still zero pests/problems. Perfectly healthy plant.

Trichomes are a defense mechanism, and some genetics trigger the production of these resinous glands at very young ages to protect from pests and UVB rays.


Well-Known Member

The Capitate Sessile trichomes are the ones the blue arrows are pointing to. They do not have stalks. This is the type you see in OP's pic and mine.

The orange arrows are pointing to the Bulbous trichomes. These are the smallest of the three.

The green points to the Capitate Stalked trichomes.

citation: https://www.rollitup.org/t/different-kind-of-trichomes.392839/page-2

I hope this helps to ease the nerves.


Well-Known Member
Nice photos and info. Yours are definitely early trichomes. Still, I do not think the OP's seedling looks healthy. Trichomes, perhaps, but not healthy with the burning and general look. For the sake of the OP, I hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Nice photos and info. Yours are definitely early trichomes. Still, I do not think the OP's seedling looks healthy. Trichomes, perhaps, but not healthy with the burning and general look. For the sake of the OP, I hope I'm wrong.
Oh yeah, it's definitely got some burn haha I agree


Well-Known Member
3x2 area closet grow hydro 4 23w cool white cfl 2 40w actual warm white cfl pH around 6.2 and big box fan for air circ. I know the leaves started to burn as I had the lights only a couple inches away moved them to about six inches and the temp dropped about 20 degrees to 76 f after doing so use a infrared thermometer to check tenp. The strain is blue dream.


Well-Known Member
3x2 area closet grow hydro 4 23w cool white cfl 2 40w actual warm white cfl pH around 6.2 and big box fan for air circ. I know the leaves started to burn as I had the lights only a couple inches away moved them to about six inches and the temp dropped about 20 degrees to 76 f after doing so use a infrared thermometer to check tenp. The strain is blue dream.
You need exhaust and fresh air intake, that way you can have your cfls no more than 1 inch away. Also, pH could stand to drop a little, preferably down to the 5.8-6.0 area, but 6.2 should be alright. Make sure you go easy on the nutrients man, the burn is caused by that not the cfl lights.


Well-Known Member
I have general hydro nutes and only using 1/3 the recommended amount which is 1/4 tsp per gallon. I don't close the sliding closet door only have a thin sheet up to block some of the light so plenty of air flow. Also the burning hasn't progressed any further in the last couple days after moving the lights, I think it was the 2 40w's that did it as they are kicking off a lot of heat.


Well-Known Member
Your ph looks higher than 6.2 on that strip. I usually have my ph around 5.6 - 5.7 for seedlings. Good reading on infrared thermometer (love em...have 2 myself). From your photo, I believe that seedling is getting too much light. That's a lot of intensity for a young, fragile, just hatched plant. I, personally, would raise a bit more and turn 2 off.