What are these bugs?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have these little black bugs everywhere. They look like ants but they have wings and fly. Are they are problem? Cheers
Yea best photo I can get with the phone. Look like ants but have wings.
Could just be flying ants or it could be thrips. Personally never had them so I wouldn't know, but I hear they are not hard to get rid of at all. Thrips would leave a type of slime on the leaf that's one of the signs
Could just be flying ants or it could be thrips. Personally never had them so I wouldn't know, but I hear they are not hard to get rid of at all. Thrips would leave a type of slime on the leaf that's one of the signs
How would you normally deal with pests during flower? I’ve been given contradicting advice. Some ppl say neem oil is great others say not to during flower.
Could be but I thought fungus gnats were smaller. Neem oil is okay I guess. In large concentrations it will can burn the leaf up. In small concentrations it doesn't work the best, clogs leaves pores. I'd use a neem based treatment like I've used Mite Rid before it works well but expensive, works good for preventative up to 2 weeks. I use Lost Coast Plant Therapy it works for me and cheaper.
Not fungus gnats
Not thrips
As said above, do you even see damage anywhere?
If you want to be safe, get permethrin
Not fungus gnats
Not thrips
As said above, do you even see damage anywhere?
If you want to be safe, get permethrin
Yea I have eaten leaves and holes in leaves. Not too bad atm. I also just found a caterpillar aswell so, I have no idea if these black bugs are doing anything yet. Just wanted to get on top of it. I’m about 4 weeks into flower now, is permethrin ok to use on buds or keep off the buds?
Yea I have eaten leaves and holes in leaves. Not too bad atm. I also just found a caterpillar aswell so, I have no idea if these black bugs are doing anything yet. Just wanted to get on top of it. I’m about 4 weeks into flower now, is permethrin ok to use on buds or keep off the buds?
Off the buds, I've done it @4 weeks personally, life of the spray is 28 days, up to you. No one noticed any differences. Again up to you..
Off the buds, I've done it @4 weeks personally, life of the spray is 28 days, up to you. No one noticed any differences. Again up to you..
I have just read other ppls experience and they reckon it killed their plants. Do you use it as directed or need to dilute? Thanks
Lucky enough to NOT be in Canada? I am, you should get Captain Jack's dead bug brew with spinosad. Works great, or did for my outdoor. Sigh, customs let one slip through, then they locked us out. That stuff worked really good as a preventative, I wish.....
In Canada, we do not have access to the great solutions you have south of the border. Really sucks ass trying to mix up your ipm here.
Lucky enough to NOT be in Canada? I am, you should get Captain Jack's dead bug brew with spinosad. Works great, or did for my outdoor. Sigh, customs let one slip through, then they locked us out. That stuff worked really good as a preventative, I wish.....
Edit that should say I am not.
Lucky enough to NOT be in Canada? I am, you should get Captain Jack's dead bug brew with spinosad. Works great, or did for my outdoor. Sigh, customs let one slip through, then they locked us out. That stuff worked really good as a preventative, I wish.....
Hey mate I’m actually in Australia and can only find this product which the main ingredient is spinosad 0.24g/liter https://www.yates.com.au/product/garden-pest-control/yates-natures-way-fruit-fly-control

would this be ok?
Better than nothing...try a test on a small area first, make sure no damage to your plants...spray in low level light to avoid burning...good luck.