What are these on my plant? (Pics)

I've been noticing these egg looking specks on my Sativa plant fan leaves only. I have two other plants that are in the tent and they are both indica. I've only seen these on my Sativa so far. Any idea what they are and how to treat them? I have Neem Oil on hand but from my understanding Neem Oil does not allow insects to mature and reproduce..? I have not seen any bugs around or on the plant yet these egg looking things continue to appear. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Those are aphids. Outdoors I just blast them with the water hose. Indoors, you would probably use a mild pesticide.
so are they aphid eggs then? i haven't seen any aphids. i think ill go pick up some lady bugs tomorrow. hopefully they eat the eggs too. if not ill remove them by hand as i have done before.


Active Member
I'd just use a natural pesticide along with a damp sponge to take off as many as possible, and throw a couple lady bugs in for good measure.
Yep, try Lady Bugs if ya can get ya hands on them. If not "Pest Oil" is meant to be good, comes in a 750ml spray bottle already mixed, obviously.
I have Jorge Cervantes Medical Grower's Bible and in the Neem Oil section it states:

Controls: Effective against spider mites, fungus gnats, and aphids. It is also a fungi stat against powdery mildew and rust.

I have seen a few gnats on my sticky pest strip and from everyone's thoughts on this post it looks to be aphid eggs on my fan leaves so I may do a thorough drenching when the lights come on tonight and throw some lady bugs in the pot as well. My wife had some lady bugs (she got from Lowe's I believe) and all they appeared to do was eat her strawberry leaves and die. I hope they don't do the same to my plants.. =/
Will do. I over slept this morning and didn't hit em before the lights went out so i got to hit em tomorrow morning before they go to sleep. guess your supposed to neem before dark. (says the 19 year old kid working at the hydro store that sold me the neem oil)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
thems not aphid eggs. aphids lay eggs on specific perennial plants for winter only, the rest of the year aphids reproduce asexually

those round white eggs scattered on the surface of leaves are consistent with Budworms. aka Early Tobacco Budworm aka Cotton Boll Worm.
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once they hatch they become voracious plant munching machines, and will kill your cannabis plants. eliminate them with extreme prejudice. labybugs will eat the eggs but fuck that, kill them with sevin dust, neem oil or a vigorous washing of your leeves with mild dishsoap in water. get every leaf top and bottom, then eliminate the ingress for the moths. pantyhose nylon over intake vents, and expanding foam in all cracks and crevices.


Well-Known Member
If it's whitefly then that is the easiest to rid. I used Neem oil when I had them and most of the time u can shake the stem and they fly into the lights and die. Spray under the leaves to catch the hatching eggs.