What are these on my plant? (Pics)

Thanks everyone for the continued input. You are only making me feel better (about what I am going to use). Bud worms is not what I want to hear but if my neem oil will kill them then I will be a happy man. And thank you Dr Kynes for the nylon idea. I wish I would have thought of that earlier.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
its not white flies, or whitefly larvae or whitefly eggs. (edit: still true, im not quite that high yet.)

Fungus gnat (herp a derp im stupid today) larvae and eggs are in soil 100% of the time. they die if not buried in moist soil. (this part is still right): whiteflies themselves dont hang out on top of plants, and arent round and shiney and motionless.

thems some kind of insect eggs, and im bettin budworms from the tobacco budworm moth. the small round white eggs scattered on the upper surface of the leaves is pretty distinctive, and cannabis plants are a popular treat for budworm moths to lay their eggs on.

kill them eggs with sevin, neem or soap and water. get them all or youll never get any dope.

Edit: where i put whitefly, insert Fungus Gnat. herp a derp!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the continued input. You are only making me feel better (about what I am going to use). Bud worms is not what I want to hear but if my neem oil will kill them then I will be a happy man. And thank you Dr Kynes for the nylon idea. I wish I would have thought of that earlier.
just one layer, tacked over the intake vent, or under the vent cover. too much will impede airflow. all you want is to keep out bugs, not dust. if you feel kinda creepy buying a pair of taupe panty hose stockings, in the transvestite sizes most off road shops sell a fine-grained pre-filter foam for dirt bike intake systems. that works too, at like 30x the cost of a pair of L'eggs. eliminating exterior light leaks can also help reduce your visitations from nightflying bugs. 90 degree bends at the intake and exhaust ports, painted black on the inside will reduce your grow-room's visibility to cops, dope thieves, and bugs alike.
just one layer, tacked over the intake vent, or under the vent cover. too much will impede airflow. all you want is to keep out bugs, not dust. if you feel kinda creepy buying a pair of taupe panty hose stockings, in the transvestite sizes most off road shops sell a fine-grained pre-filter foam for dirt bike intake systems. that works too, at like 30x the cost of a pair of L'eggs. eliminating exterior light leaks can also help reduce your visitations from nightflying bugs. 90 degree bends at the intake and exhaust ports, painted black on the inside will reduce your grow-room's visibility to cops, dope thieves, and bugs alike.

Awesome advice. I am just going to ask my wife if she has a pair of black ones she doesn't use anymore. I plan on just cutting them near the feet and just rubber-banding them on the end of my intake and where it enters into the tent.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're thinking gnats. Yes they could be moth eggs tho.
meh youre right, the gnats lay eggs and have larvae in soil, maybe im too high.

they still aint whitefy eggs, whitefly eggs are way smaller, layed in tight spirally clusters on the undersides of leaves, and their larvae look like disgusting blobs of transparent goop with wavy arms. if he had that he would be freaking out.

only thing i know that scatters eggs singly on top of leaves in the tobacco budworm, plus we got that shit in northern california due to a 150 year old attempt to grow tobacco in the central valley. thats why we got whiteflies too, though.
meh youre right, the gnats lay eggs and have larvae in soil, maybe im too high.

they still aint whitefy eggs, whitefly eggs are way smaller, layed in tight spirally clusters on the undersides of leaves, and their larvae look like disgusting blobs of transparent goop with wavy arms. if he had that he would be freaking out.

only thing i know that scatters eggs singly on top of leaves in the tobacco budworm, plus we got that shit in northern california due to a 150 year old attempt to grow tobacco in the central valley. thats why we got whiteflies too, though.
Great... I live in Nor Cal, lol. I washed them off with a damp sponge earlier and I will prepare the neem oil solution tonight so that I can spray tomorrow morning around 5:30 since my lights go off at 6:00. I'm thinking I should just go ahead and spray the other two plants in the tent. even though they seem unaffected at the moment I'm sure it's only a matter of time since they are literally touches foliage. Is it okay that I prepare the neem oil solution tonight or should i do it in the morning? It's going to be early and I'll probably go back to bed afterwards. If so should I refrigerate or just leave in room temp air?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Never seem budworms here..knock on wood.:weed: You spray BT ?
i saw one a few days ago. i spray my own special recipe of hotsauce to keep the fuckers at bay. if you ever grew tomatoes and found your flowers nipped off in the night, budworms are your sneaky nocturnal suspects.

these bastards are dumb, voracious and completely lacking in discrimination or good taste. they even attack peppermint that most bugs would eat in a famine.

theres one thing that keeps wandering budworms off my tomatoes and other outdoor plants without resorting to poisons:

in a saucepan on the stove, simmer

3 cups water
a large handful of peppermint leaves and stems
6 cloves fresh garlic finely minced (no powdered garlic! it doesnt work and clogs your sprayer!)
3 tablespoons (or more) cayenne pepper flakes

simmer for 45 minutes strain through a cloth (piece of old T-shirt works good) let cool and pour into sprayer add 1 tablespoon biodegradable dish soap, top off sprayer with water put on a dust mask and ski goggles (super important) and Spray Thoroughly on both sides of leaves!
Dont saturate your soil, as this stuff is not good for your earthworms and other friendly soil creatures.

Wash hands thoroughly with soap before touching eyes mouth genitals or butthole (really really hot stuff)

it's non toxic (just spicy as hell) and washes off with water easily do not use on your buds unless you're a masochist. wash any produce before eating. and seriously, wash hands with soap before wiping your ass or holding your dick.

once a week will keep aphids slugs snails deer squirrels and whiteflies in check like a motherfucker.

Warning: may attract Hispanic, Thai, and Punjabi cuisine aficionados. do not store near salsa fixins or noodles and shrimp.

this wont get the eggs, but it sure as shit keeps the worms off your growing tips, tomatoes and herbs.
Awesome Dr Kynes. Gonna give this neem oil a go first and if i continue to se eggs ill hit up your super spicy butthole burning concoction and get rid of them for good. Thanks bro!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Awesome Dr Kynes. Gonna give this neem oil a go first and if i continue to se eggs ill hit up your super spicy butthole burning concoction and get rid of them for good. Thanks bro!
neem will kill em easy, but i use this on my herbs and vegetables to stay poison free and 100% natural for the farmer's market. plus once you munch a strawberry covered with this shit youll know why it works. one bite and they go looking for a dog turd to get the taste out their mouths.

this shit will kill any bug it lands on then it just drives them away with the smell, and if they dare bite they dont bite again. it doesnt kill predator bugs unless you hit em with it, thats why i like the stuff.
SO i just took some dabs and got bored so i busted out a weak reading magnifying glass i found laying around and decided to inspect my plants. While doing so I saw 3 (killed 2, 1 flew away) tiny white moths they were perhaps the size of these eggs i originally posted pics of. I also saw only ONE tiny inch worm. it was no longer than 2mm (my eyes are pretty decent :P). With that being said should I still continue on with the neem oil in the morning or do I have an entirely different problem. OH! I almost forgot i saw a tiny white moth before i smoked and it was on the same leaf that i cleaned with a damp sponge earlier and there were 3 new egg looking sacks with the tiny moth. i killed that bitch with my fingers. and her eggs..

EDIT: I also applied some black panty hose to my intake pulling from outside and another on the end expelling the air into the tent. hopefully this prevent further entrances by these little fucks but they are tiny so i'd imagine they could fit through tiny cracks or the vent screens on the bottom of the tent. we'll see..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
if the little moths were also like 2 mm across, then thats whiteflies, if youre in nothern cali, you se em at baseball diamonds or on quiet streets circling in the sun, counter clockwise. they are a persistant pest, like aphids with a meth habit. neem wont kill these bastards unless they are slow and retarded enough to get hit, but if you kill the eggs, the infestation stops. these little bastards lay minute almost microscopic eggs in tight spirals on the undersides of leaves, and they suck plants dry.

use neem to kill any and all eggs, larvae, carepillars, and nymphs. unless you have waves of them coming in, like my outdoor vegetable garden, dont use the pepper juice. indoors that shit will blow your wig back.

if they are bigger, they are the moths responsible for the eggs. if they are greybrown and maybe 1/2 inch across, thems budworm moths. otherwise they are an unidentified moth, and still needs to die.

the 2 mm inchworm could be lotsa things, a hatched tiny budworm, a baby ladybug larvae (youll like these even though they look like lil hairy scorpions) or a wee little caterpillar of another sort. it's not a whitefly nymph, those things look like little mounds of lime jello with wavy tentacles. (grosser than you imagine, google image search whitefly nymph)

if you can seal your room up tight, then no more lil fuckers should sneak in. a UV bug zapper in your grow room can also really make shit happen, plus you get UV bonuses.

UV kills fungal spores and makes plants happy in many ways, plus it zapps bugs. UV lights really up the heat though.
Dr Kynes comin through again. Thanks for the info about the UV. UV kills fungal spores; YES, UV zaps bugs; YES, UV adds heat; NOOO. Everything sounded good up until there and as you know it's becoming the hot season in Nor Cal and my tent is in the garage. Adding any extra source of heat at this time would just make my life more of a pain in the ass. I think I'll just stick with the sticky strip i have hanging from my light in there. As for the small white moths.. they are white flies. I looked up a picture and this:


is exactly what I saw near all the eggs. Like I said I killed all the ones i could pinch with my fingers and scrubbed all the eggs off the fan leaves with a sponge again this morning before I neem oiled them all. I used a 32 fl. oz. spray bottle so each plant was drenched to the point of dripping with the neem solution. I will repeat the drenching in 3 days and continue to do so for a few weeks. Pantyhose is installed on both ends of intake and exhaust is uncovered (hopefully they get into my light and all get yanked out of the tent by the 435cfm, lol.) and hopefully this prevents any further entries by future pests out there.

As for the tiny worm.. I don't know what it was, I just killed it. If I didn't put it in there it doesn't belong and it will DIE...



Well-Known Member
Sticky traps are good for killing adults and monitoring problems. They are not a cure but tell you alot about certain pest populations. They aren't expensive. You can make your own by buying "tanglefoot" and putting it on yellow/red/blue plastic. Most are yellow.
Thanks Coho. I plan on picking up some tanglefoot soon and placing a few traps around the tent. My 600w HPS is pretty yellow as well so maybe any flying bugs will get sucked out by the fan I have cooling it if they find it interesting. I've also noticed 1 or 2 new gnats or aphid looking bugs (do aphids fly?) on my sticky pest strip under my light.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If you seen whiteflies they are distinctive, but also extremely common. they are more annoying than menacing, those larger eggs scattered on the foliage surface is still worrying me. only the budworm moth lays eggs like that, so be vigilant.

the critters that look like gnats could be fungus gnats, another annoyance, easily cured by watering less (fungus gnats only breed in soggy soil) if they fly all frisky and excited, and are dark brown/black then thems usually fungus gnats.

if they fly all wobbly and drunken, and are easy to catch in your hand, those are the flying colonizer aphids. this type of aphid only gets born when a plant someplace is too crowded, they fly off to set up a new infestation on another plant. these bugs dont so much fly as drift on the wind. any halfway decent greenhouse will be an impervious fortress for these dopey incompetent fliers. if your room is well sealed now, its more likely fungus gnats warning you that you're watering too much and too often. look for the telltale well formed little flies in black and brown walking on the surface of your soil.if you let the top inches of your soil dry between waterings, they will vanish like magic.


Active Member
AAHHHHHHHHHHHH its an attack of deadly flesh eating microbes first they start with your plants and afterwards they attack your private parts, then your braiiiinnnnnn contact the CDC and they will tell you what to do LOL damn this starkush is some good shit