What are these specs on this plant


Active Member
Can someone tell me what these specs are on the leaves. I got a magnifying glass to see if I saw any bugs but they were none. The only thing I can think of is some type of mold from humidity. If so what can I do? Thanks



Well-Known Member
those look like spider mite bites to me. did you check under the leaf because thats where they hang out and lay eggs. go through and pinch the leaves with your fingers to squish any eggs or mites that may be left while its still small.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you should be able to. They tend to congregate on the leave stems between the leaf and the main stalk.
Some folks hold a piece of paper under the leave and flick the leave, causing mites to fall off onto the paper.
Good luck.


Active Member
if those are the only plants you have, I think it might be a little early to be worried about spider mites. I have seen similar mark on leaves before and have not seen any bugs yet (well with the exception of some pain in the ass fungus gnats and they are gone now thanks to some Gnatrol). If you do find some spider mites though I think neem oil works on them but I am not sure. I just saw some neem oil at Lowes today and it was like 10 bucks.