What are these?


Well-Known Member
I was checking my flower room for ripeness and found very small bugs. They are about half the size of a spider mite and wingless. Here is the closest picture to what they look like that I could find online, but this is what they are.thrip.jpg The picture said they were Thrips, but they are wingless and I wanted second opinions. I can't spray in my flower room as I have a perpetual grow with plants at all stages. I have sicked Lady Bugs on them, but don't know if they are even eating them? Anyone have opinions or identification?


Well-Known Member
look into using tobacco as a pesticide never used it for these but it works but requires the bug to eat the plant some more then it eventually OD's on nicotine


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys. I've been reading and they say that Lady Bugs will eat them, but I think I might take down 2 AK-47 that are looking bad and are almost done, within a week. The Lady bugs don't seem to want to get too much resin on them and tend to stay away from the really sticky buds.


Active Member
Stop/seperate all new cycles until eradication is complete. Finish what you've got in flower and clean house "controlling" pests is a futile waste of time and energy. Key word eradicate.


Well-Known Member
You can use a spray containing pyrethrum or pyrethrins, and you need to repeat the spray 14 days later to catch the newly hatched eggs.

Thrips strip plant cells from your leaves which gives a silvery appearance to the leafs top side, you can also use very dilute dish soap as a spray or dip, this needs to then be washed off with clear water.

However as you are in flower you may be better off with an insecticide and I would also advise against using tobacco as it can contain a virus called tobacco mosaic virus which your plants are susceptible to.


Well-Known Member
Also I feel I should give you the heads up that pets in the grow room is a no no, this is most likely where your infection came from and will continue to infect your plants until you start to employ this strategy.

The same goes for plants placed outside, don't bring them back into the grow room, and if you have spent any length of time in a garden with pests or you have been waling through a park or long grass then change your clothes before entering your room.

I know it sounds like harsh measures but you will understand when you end up with spider mites.


Well-Known Member
Stop/seperate all new cycles until eradication is complete. Finish what you've got in flower and clean house "controlling" pests is a futile waste of time and energy. Key word eradicate.
I will do that only as a last resort as it would be almost two months to start my harvesting cycle again. I live in the desert and there is no way to seal my grow room completely at this time; pest control during the summer months is going to be an on going problem for me no matter what. I took down one AK and the Lady Bugs are working, as it is getting harder and harder to find the Thrips when searching for them. Plants not to far into flower are being treated with soap and water. I tested this method and just like spider mites, it kills on contact. Veg room, floors and walls in flower room have also been treated. I will continue to attack with Lady Bugs for now and after next harvest in 1 to 2 weeks; I might be able to remove plants from room and treat them while disinfecting room. Baxters, I won't walk into my grow room if I've been outside in the wind, before I clean up and change clothes and Yes by the way I have had spider mites before, they are a real problem down here. I agree cleanliness in the grow rooms is a must, but I don't live in a lab. I apologize for the one paragraph, stupid comp won't separate them.